Page 65 of Burning for You
While holding the placement of his cock, he heaves his hips, shaking me from the inside. Sweat lades his labored face. I know he’s putting everything he has into holding his cum while thrusting faster and deeper. Even when I think he can’t move in further, he soldiers on, insisting there’s a way.
Indeed there is a way, because I give in, and my glorious second climax bursts. His name tumbles out of my mouth as if it was his last wish.
Meanwhile, the man responsible for it doesn’t try to claim victory. He’s too busy dealing with his own. He screams louder than I did, and he comes like no other man I’ve seen before.
His head falls on my face, revealing his bull-like neck.
“Jesus…” he sighs.
Jesus indeed, on two counts. One, this is the best sex I’ve had, and two… what the hell were we thinking? Aren’t we supposed to hate each other?
But what we’ve done is naturally inevitable. He came into the room asking for it, smelling like a mating-ready stag, and I fueled his desire by showing whatever I have without shame.
Lust is known to bring down powerful men. Today it’s a case of Levi preventing me from putting together a coherent thought, for the first time in my life. He has a sugar mommy back in New York, which I told myself I could never tolerate. But look at me now. I’m messed up, and I don’t even give a damn.
I’ve barely known his name for days. Yet I feel that I know him more than I know Josh.
I look at Levi’s sated face. He withdraws his hands and then bends his elbows, caressing my face, smearing sweat on my pulsing cheeks. Small blows of air graze my chin, then my lips. Straightening himself, he sighs, “God, Carolyn.”
With that sigh, my heart soars. I feel at peace, as if rewarded for my decision to trust him, to trust the both of us. Being wrong has never felt so right.
Levi rolls out of bed and swiftly covers himself with a towel. I growl under my breath. I didn’t even get to see his oh-so-rounded backside for too long.
He tuts with a small shake of his head, telling me he knows exactly what I’m thinking.
For now I’ll just admire his bare torso. He’s got no hair on his body—smooth like porcelain. I wonder how, in among his intention to kidnap me, he still managed to groom himself.
He’s got perfect skin for a rancher. If I wasn’t tied up, I would spend the whole day running my fingers over it, including his sexy, tattooed arms.
My exploration comes to a halt when Levi unceremoniously leaves the room. My heart tiptoes, desperate to keep seeing him.
The tap runs from the bathroom. Moments later, he comes back. His hair wet, perhaps from washing his face. Casually, he fills the space between my brazenly spread-out legs. He kneels with an evil grin.
“What do you want me to do with this?” He pats my pelvis.
His fingers feel icy, maybe from the contact with water, but how soothing is his touch?
He peers at my pussy, thinking.
It’s so unfair! He gets to see mine and I don’t get to see his?
“Fuck me again, if you’ve still got it in you,” I say.
I hear his evil laugh when he lays himself on top of me, fixing me with his pin-up-boy eyes. Oh, the weight…
“I’ll put these back on you, then.” Guiltlessly, he flags my panties at me as if it was a handkerchief.
Asshole! So he was teasing me?
Kneeling forward at the end of the bed, Levi dresses up my crotch. Slowly. Prolonging my agony. As I lie speechless, he then pulls down his sweater I’m wearing.
I’ve forgotten that I wasn’t even naked all this time.
Like a father putting his daughter into bed, he covers me with a blanket, which smells of him. And I deflate completely. The way Levi concludes our love making leaves my blood pressure dangerously low, and I’m ready to slip into a comfortable coma.
Looking like he’s done his job for the day, Levi heads towards his desk. Soon he comes back to me with a penknife in his hand.