Page 23 of Backwater Justice
“Say what?” Fred was totally confused at this point. He was simply trying to do a good deed.
“Fill out the form, please. If Biddie shows up and needs medical attention, we will know the person to contact.”
Fred was already stunned and annoyed. He turned and left without filling out anything.
The nurse went back to the cubby where the girl waited. “Now please tell me who you are and what happened.”
Vanessa still wasn’t sure whom to trust. She’d been abducted by someone in an S.E.I. truck and then rescued by a family with a similar truck. Was this some kind of nightmare? She had to get to a phone. Call her mom.
“I’ll be right back.” The nurse went back to the desk to get some forms for Vanessa to fill out.
Vanessa was breathing heavily when she heard a man’s loud voice in the reception area. “Howdy. We’re here to see Mr. Milton Spangler.” Vanessa’s heart started to race. She peered around the curtain and saw two men. She recognized one of them. The man who’d punched her in the face.
She looked for a means to escape. Anything to get far away from them. She ran toward the nearest exit and began to climb the stairs. Once again, she had no idea where she was headed, but she kept on going.
When she reached the third floor, she slowly opened the door. A woman wearing rhinestone cowboy boots was standing outside one of the patients’ rooms. The woman looked in Vanessa’s direction and raised an eyebrow. Then she gave Vanessa a look that indicated the woman might recognize her. The problem was determining whether or not the rhinestone cowgirl was friend or foe. Vanessa ducked back into the stairwell and peered through the thick, wired glass window in the steel door. She watched as the woman came toward her. She turned and began to run farther up the stairs. Her legs ached. Her head hurt.
* * *
Annie had been standing outside Milton’s room talking fast cars with Oliver when they were interrupted by two of his employees. At the same time, she noticed a raggedy-looking girl peeking her head out from the exit to the stairs. Annie moved swiftly to the stairwell and yanked open the door. In spite of the lacerations, there was something familiar about the girl’s face. She heard footsteps a flight above. Annie gave a loud whisper. “Vanessa? Is that you? My name is Annie. I can help you.”
The stairwell was quiet except for a slight whimper. Annie made her way up the next flight of stairs. Slumped in a corner was a disheveled, ragged young teenager. Her face and hands were covered with cuts and scratches. Her clothes were bloodstained, and her greasy hair lay flat against her skull. Tears were running down her cheeks.
Annie crouched down and put her arms around the sobbing girl. She took Vanessa’s face into her hands. “It’s going to be alright.” The girl leaned into Annie and continued to cry.
Annie rocked her back and forth until the youth regained some equanimity. “Come on. Let’s get you fixed up.” Annie helped the girl from the floor and slowly walked her down a flight of stairs. As Annie opened the door, two men were standing outside Milton’s room. The girl gasped and tried to pull away from Annie. The two moved quickly back into the stairwell. Annie hugged her. “It’s okay, sweetie. Tell me. What did you see?”
The girl was trembling. “That man.” She was breathing heavily.
“What man?”
“The man who took me.” She looked at Annie with pleading eyes. “Please don’t let him take me again.”
“Oh, that is definitely not going to happen.” Annie peered through the glass. “Which one?”
“The . . . the chubby one.” Vanessa inched her way back into a corner.
Annie’s wheels were turning as she recalled some of the information that was initially brought forth when Vanessa disappeared: something about a green pickup truck with the S.E.I. logo. The two men outside in the hallway were visiting Milton. When Maggie had interviewed the gas station attendant, he’d recanted his story.Was he paid to do it?Annie was going to get to the bottom of this, but the girl needed to see a doctor first.
Annie put both hands on Vanessa’s shoulders. “I want you to listen to me carefully. Are you able to climb down a flight of stairs?”
“I—I think so.” Vanessa stuttered.
“Good. Go down the stairs, and I will meet you outside the stairwell.” She looked deep into Vanessa’s eyes. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Vanessa replied meekly.
“Good girl. See you in a jiff.” Annie watched the girl move slowly to the next level; then she looked through the glass. The men must have gone into Milton’s room. Annie went to check, but they were gone. Myra was the only one in the room with Milton.
“Hey, sorry. Oliver and I were chatting about cars, and then I got a call.”
“Everything alright?” Myra eyed her carefully.
“Yes, but where did my racing pal go?” she asked.
“Oliver had to take care of some business,” Milton said hoarsely.
I bet he does,Annie thought to herself. “I have to run an errand. I promised Maggie a bunch of snacks.”