Page 26 of Backwater Justice
“Well, you’re always saying how you seem to be short on drivers every so often. I thought having someone on swing shift would be a good solution. She can have a flexible schedule and be on-call.”
Oliver still hadn’t absorbed the wordshe. He blinked. “She? You hired a she?”
“Come on, lad. Don’t be so chauvinistic. Plenty of women are long-haulers. I’m really surprised at you.”
“You’re right, Dad. I guess this just came as a surprise. I mean, you hiring someone without talking to me about it.”
“I still own the company, son. I had a day or so to do a lot of thinking. We are a profitable enterprise. There is no reason why you should have to worry about having a route covered. You have a lot of things to manage. We lose business when we can’t find a driver. We can afford another hire.”
Oliver changed his tune. “I appreciate you thinking about my workload. And you’re right. Adding staff can only add to our productivity.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Milton smiled as Myra looked on.
“Listen, Pop. I’ve got a few things I need to get to. I’ll stop by later.” He leaned over and gave his father a kiss on the head.
When Oliver left the room, Myra resumed her position in the chair next to Milton’s bed. “That was very good timing, Mill.”
“Thank you, Myra.” He reached over with an IV-free hand.
“I wonder where Annie went?” Myra said. “I’ll be right back.” When Myra got up, her phone vibrated. She looked at the signs that said NOCELLPHONEUSE. She texted Annie.
Where R U?
In the basement.
You okay?
Yes. Got Vanessa.
Take elevator to basement. Go 2 laundry room.
Myra looked down at her phone. She could not imagine what Annie was talking about. “Mill, Annie has the car downstairs. I’ll be back later today.”
“No worries. I’m not going anywhere.” He let out a little chuckle. “Myra?”
“Yes, Mill?”
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Me, too. Don’t go away.” She moved quickly to the elevator and took it to the lower level. The room was massive, with dozens of washing machines lined along one wall. White curtains separated different folding areas. Myra looked around. She didn’t want to call out anybody’s name. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be there and surely didn’t want to draw attention to herself. As she looked around, she caught a quick glimmer of light out of the corner of her eye.Ha. I’ll never mock those boots again.Myra scurried to the curtain that shielded Annie and Vanessa from the rest of the room.
“Myra, meet our new friend, Vanessa. Vanessa, meet my bestie and partner, Myra.”
Vanessa gave Myra a weak smile. “Nice to meet you, I think.”
“We need to get her to a doctor, but there were some men on the floor that she wanted to avoid.”
“On Milton’s floor?” Myra sounded surprised.
“Yes, long story. Vanessa has been filling me in. So, how do we get a physician to take care of this little mess without parental consent?”
“Her parents. They need to know she’s okay,” Myra said.