Page 38 of Backwater Justice
Annie waved her hand. “He likes fast cars.Ilike fast cars. I’ll ask him to take me to the speedway and try to get a peek at his daily routine. Maybe we’ll go test-drive a few Maseratis or Ferraris. He’ll love it. I’ll be his best chum.”
“Brilliant!” Fergus chimed in. “Let someone else wet his pants while you drive.” Everyone broke out laughing. Most of them never wanted to be in a car when Annie was behind the wheel. Not that she was careless. She simply liked to put the pedal to the metal and zoom off. Even her golf cart was built with a fast engine for her trips back and forth to Myra and Charles’s house.
Annie checked the time. “We should go back to the hospital and get Milton up to speed.”
“See? That word again.” Fergus chuckled.
“Maggie, Izzie, you guys hang out here. Go to the spa while you have the chance. Tomorrow we’re going to hit the ground running,” Annie said. “By the way, the Spanglers will refer to you as ‘Isabelle,’ and Kathryn, you’re going to be ‘Kat.’”
“That’s leaves me,” Myra said. “How should I play it?”
“Spend some time with Benjamin and Danielle, especially Danielle. Nothing like getting insight from an in-law. Get her take on the family,” Maggie suggested.
“Excellent idea. Maybe I’ll suggest we have lunch while Benjamin is at the office.” Myra nodded.
“What time is Kathryn arriving?” Charles asked.
“Around five,” Annie answered.
“Right. Go on, then. We’ll catch up, say, nine o’clock? That will give us time to check in with Avery,” Charles said.
“Midnight, your time, correct?” Myra wanted to confirm.
“Correct, my dear. I’ll stay up late for you any night.” Charles gave her a wicked grin.
“Oh, Charles, you’re going to make me blush.” Myra giggled.
“Alrighty. Go on then.” Charles signed off.
Fergus followed with “Mind as you go.”
“Alright. Let’s head over to the hospital. We’ll be back in an hour or so,” Annie said.
“Just in time for a massage,” Izzie added.
“I’m doing a facial,” Maggie said. “My face keeps breaking out. I thought this would end after my teens.”
“It will end when you give up junk food.” Annie smirked.
“Yeah. Yeah.” Maggie huffed.
“See you in a few,” Annie said as she grabbed her tote. Myra followed.
* * *
When they arrived at the hospital, Patricia was on her way out. “I need to pick up a few things for Milton. They are going to keep him for two more days, and then he can go home. But he cannot go back to work. Not even part-time.” Patricia sighed. “Lately, he’s been rather antsy. I don’t think he’ll be able to follow his doctor’s instructions.”
Perfect timing,Myra thought. “Perhaps he can take on some temporary help.”
“Yes, he mentioned something about a woman who was going to be an on-call driver. I’m not sure what that means, but if it helps Oliver, then it should be fine.”
Myra noticed she made no remark about Benjamin.
“You can hide his phone.” Annie smiled.
Patricia still had that same vacuous expression on her face that she’d worn for almost two days. She turned and walked away without saying goodbye.
“I wonder what’s going on with her besides Milton’s health scare? She should be happy he’ll be going home,” Annie whispered to Myra.