Page 45 of Backwater Justice
Annie went into the hallway and brought Izzie and Kathryn into the room. “This is Isabelle Fleming and Kat Lamont.”
Each took turns shaking Milton’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Spangler.”
“Well, it’s very nice to have some extra help while I am recuperating.”
“We are very happy to oblige,” Kathryn replied.
Milton looked at Myra. “Tell me how this is going to work.”
Myra handed Milton two separate résumés containing the women’s fictitious last names. “As we discussed, you’ll explain your intention to hire additional staff. It’s a temporary situation, until you’re back on your feet.”
Milton read the women’s qualifications. “Very impressive.”
“We don’t want you to get any pushback from Oliver or Benjamin, or whoever might be doing things behind your back,” Annie said.
“Excellent. Clearly, no one can dispute your areas of experience and expertise.” Milton perused their résumés.
Izzie grinned. She knew how to build something from bottom to top. Managing five trucker inns could be challenging.
She also knew she had backup if necessary.
“Ah, Kathryn. Long-hauler for a long time, I see.”
“Yes, sir. I studied engineering but found the open road is what I prefer.”
Milton nodded. “My sons should be arriving shortly. I’ll introduce you and then let them show you to the main office. I appreciate you stepping in on such short notice.”
“Anything for a friend,” Myra said.
Annie put her arm around Myra. “We are always at the ready.”
“Wonderful.” Milton gestured for the women to sit. “Please. Would you like coffee? Although I wouldn’t recommend it. They have me on decaf, which is horrible. I can’t imagine their regular coffee is any better.”
Izzie smiled. “No, but thank you.”
“Ditto, here,” Kathryn answered.
Myra looked at Annie. “We better scoot. We don’t want anyone to get the idea we’re colluding.”
Annie howled and then put her hand over her mouth. “When aren’t we colluding?”
“Come on, you.” Myra linked her arm through Annie’s and dragged her toward the door.
“Good luck!” Annie said as they exited Milton’s room.
Milton’s suite consisted of two rooms and a private bath. There was a sitting area with a sofa that opened to a bed, two upholstered chairs, another recliner, and a coffee table. “Why don’t you two wait in there until the boys arrive?” He nodded toward the sitting room.
Kathryn and Izzie took his cue and moved to the next room.
Just as Annie and Myra began to walk down the hall, Annie spotted Oliver getting out of the elevator. “Dang. Quick. Jump on.” She pushed a gurney toward Myra. “Hurry!”
Myra climbed on and pulled the sheet over her head. Annie turned and pushed the stretcher down the opposite corridor.
Myra mumbled under the sheet. “I’m beginning to think you like doing this.” She pulled the material from her face. “We could have sneaked into the stairwell.”
“What fun would that be?” Annie picked up the pace. When she was sure they were no longer in Oliver’s sightline, she pushed the gurney against the wall and helped Myra off. An orderly jogged toward them.
“Excuse me, ladies. This is not a toy. Nor is this a playground. Kindly behave like adults, or I will have to call security.”