Page 15 of Dead Man's Hand
“I sent them away,” Marcus said with a curse. “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself and I was curious why he would be asking about Darrow and that woman, Sheila. Darrow’s dead and who knows what happened to Sheila. Did the PI ask you about Keira?”
A worrisome silence, then, “No, why would he ask about her?”
“That’s what I want to know. Didn’t I hear that she owes us money?”
“I’d really like to know how you hear these things, Dad.”
Marcus waved that off. “Why would the PI be asking about her?”
“I have no idea. Her husband, Luca, is the one who owes the money, but we’ve been putting pressure on her. But we’re going to get it settled by the end of the week. She got her buddy from the ranch to come help her out.”
“What buddy from the ranch?” Marcus asked, afraid he already knew the answer.
“DJ Diamond.”
Marcus swore. “That’s who the PI was looking for. Why didn’t you tell me that DJ Diamond was in town?”
“I had no idea you’d care. He paid me a visit, threatened to throw me out the window. But he’ll pay off Keira’s debt. Calls her his sister.”
He didn’t like this. As much as he loved his son, Titus often made poor decisions. Soon he would be in charge of their family fortune. The thought terrified him. “How much does Luca owe us?”
“Seventy-five. Diamond’s a conman. Offered to settle for half the price. He’s an arrogant fool like his uncle.”
“DJ was Charley Diamond’s protégé,” Marcus said. “I wouldn’t underestimate him if I were you. The last thing you want him to do is move in on our territory. Settle this and let me know when he leaves town.”
“I can handle him. I have a plan.”
“That’s what worries me,” Marcus said.
JAMESANSWEREDTHEphone when Buck called the office. “I’m staying in Butte.” Since going out to the Diamond Deluxe and talking to the Grandvilles, Buck was more convinced that DJ Diamond was the missing twin.
“Find something?” James asked.
“A few pieces of the puzzle seem to be coming together,” he said. “It looks like the baby that Sheila and Darrow Grandville had was called DJ. That’s assuming that Sheila did name the boy Del Junior or at least call him DJ.” He told James about what he’d found out at the ranch inside the farmhouse owned by Charley Diamond, then about his visit to Titus Grandville.
“Titus Grandville.”James said the name like a curse. “Anyone from this part of Montana has nothing good to say about that man.”
“He pretended he’d never heard of Charley Diamond or the ranch,” Buck said.
“These guys all know each other. Might not have traveled in the same circles but they’re all connected.”
“After Grandville lied to me, I went to see his old man.”
“He’s still alive?”
“Titus told me he wasn’t well. Another lie from what I could tell. Marcus was more up-front, confirming what I’d already found out. Said he did remember the boy being with his nephew. Also said he remembered the Diamond Deluxe Ranch and DJ running cons with his uncle when he was a teen. I got the impression that Marcus doesn’t know what Titus is up to, though, but I could be wrong. He definitely didn’t want me talking to his father.”
“Titus always was the worst of the bunch,” James said. “And that was saying a lot.”
“Marcus told me that after Charley Diamond lost the ranch, he and DJ traveled around Montana running cons.” He didn’t have to say that he was worried about the kind of man he was going to find.
“Buck, are you sure about this? Maybe finding him isn’t the best idea.”
“I can’t stop now. I haven’t told Ansley any of this. I’m thinking that I should wait until I find him.”
“I think that’s wise.”
“I’m going to hang around and see what Titus is up to. I just have a feeling about him. I’ve rattled enough cages that I suspect he’ll lead me to DJ if he knows where he is.”