Page 8 of Memories of the Dark
“It’s about this unfortunate Fergus guy the two of you found, and the horrors he endured at the hands of that beast. Seeing the amount of the damage inflicted on that poor soul affected Dehaan very much and not in a good way. I sensed it, even if you didn’t because a mother’s heart feels things differently.” Agatha smiled tenderly, touching her son’s shoulder.
“I will. That’s why I believe he shouldn’t be encouraged to... you know... manipulate chemical substances, at least for the moment. Of course, Dehaan is a responsible adult, even more responsible than I am most of the time, but still...” Xavier left the sentence unfinished, looking between his parents.
“We understand your concern, son, but there is something you should know. It’s our fault that we didn’t tell you earlier. The dominant/submissive relationship you are so much interested in... Dehaan explained to us all about aftercare, self-control, trust, power exchange and the bond forming between two men.” Sarge gave Xavier a bright smile, filled with paternal affection and pride. “To take care of someone, win their trust, help them explore their needs... that’s my boy.”
“Did he really... did Dehaan tell you all these things?” The younger man’s voice was thick with emotion, tears threatening to spill from his cobalt-blue eyes.
“Yes, he did, and that’s why we are asking you to show him the same support and understanding. Let him do what he loves, keeping an eye on him at the same time so he doesn’t work himself to the bone. It’s what loving older brothers do, right?” Agatha wrapped Xavier in a warm, affectionate gaze, caressing his cheek. “Now, I’m going to bed and will let the two of you talk about men’s things.”
“I won’t be long, honey, just a couple of minutes to have some words with our son.” Sarge gave his wife an affectionate smile, waiting until she was at a safe distance and couldn’t hear the discussion. “What you and Dehaan did this evening was an act of compassion and courage, but I have the nagging feeling it also placed us at the center of attention, and this is the last thing we need right now.” The man let out a long sigh, shifting on the chair.
“Are you suggesting Fergus and his alter ego were the targets of revenge, that they were members in a gang and were made to pay for messing with some big bad gangster’s business?” Xavier frowned, thinking for a few good seconds. “I don’t know anyone with the name of Blair who fits the profile, but maybe he’s one of MacAtee’s new henchmen. Those barbarians are well-known for their cruelty.”
“That’s what I’m afraid too. That bastard wants to dominate the drug market and will use every nasty trick in the book to reach his goal. He’s a different kind of evil we’re not prepared for, and we better find ourselves some allies before this bloody monster called Seamus MacAtee swallows us whole.
“Where were you? What was that sound from earlier?” Lance spoke in a raspy, sleep-heavy voice, patting the spot next to him. “Come on, husband, the bed is getting cold.”
“It was my phone. Fergus’s lawyer, Thomas Hawthorne, called. I went downstairs; I didn’t want to wake you up.” Fabian slid under the covers, pressing his back against the other man’s broad, hairy chest. “I like it very much when you hold me like this.”
“Then I’m going to hold you close to me for the rest of our lives, and I won’t let you go.” Lance put a butterfly kiss on his husband’s neck, smiling against the man’s skin. “Mmm, you are so tempting. There are so many things I want to do to this body of yours... What in the name of all the spirits did that lawyer want at three in the morning?”
“Actually, it’s eight in the morning in England, and the respectable gentleman asked me to go to London tomorrow or the day after. What he told me made my soul happy, as happy as the circumstances allow, that is. Apparently, Fergus has a teenage son of whose existence he was never aware of. It was Mister Hawthorne and his brother’s backup plan, in case anything bad happened.”
“Wait a minute, I thought Ardan’s twin was gay, and that fucking bastard Greenwood was his first and only man. When did it happen?” Lance furrowed his brow in confusion, making no efforts to hide his curiosity and interest.
“When Fergus turned eighteen, various types of cells were prevailed from him as part of a very complex medical evaluation. His father, who was still alive at that time, talked him into donating sperm to a private cell bank, where the other samples were also deposited. Shortly after Sir Rolland and Lady Frances Trevellyan died and reading Greenwood’s real intentions, the two Hawthorne brothers found the ideal surrogate mother for Fergus’s child, and nine months after, a healthy, beautiful boy was born.”
“These two lawyers are worthy of all my admiration and respect. They are the living proof that unconditional loyalty still exists.” Lance smiled again, sliding his flat palm underneath Fabian’s pajama top and running it up and down his side. “What happened to the kid and his mother? Where are they now?”
“Somewhere in Sussex, in one of those charming little English villages; the oldest of the Hawthorne brothers has a cottage there. I have to make the arrangements first thing in the morning and see if there’s any chance for us to book a last-minute flight to London.”
“Us? Am I also going? Not that I’m not enjoying your company, but I think it would be better if I stay here to keep an eye on things while you’re away.” Lance playfully bit his husband’s shoulder, sending sweet shocks of pleasure to his nether regions.
“Great minds think alike. I’m taking Ardan with me; the poor boy needs this trip. Besides, Fergus’s son’s transition to his new life and family will be considerably eased if the first person he gets in contact with is his father’s twin with his loving, gentle nature.” Fabian spoke in a low, affectionate voice and turned around to face his husband.
A ghost of a smile on his sensual, full lips, Lance took in every line of his beloved’s face as he traced its contour with the pad of his thumb, taking in every line, curve and plane. When he reached the soft, velvety lips, he captured them between his own in a tender, yet demanding and possessive kiss, turning Fabian’s world around.
The blue-eyed man desperately wrapped his arms around his husband’s neck, taking everything he gave him, wanting more, moaning into his mouth, but also drinking him dry. Feverishly, with a mind of their own, his hands started to tug at Lance’s pajamas, the other man imitating him with the same fervency. Before they knew it, both men were naked as the day they were born, staring at each other with lust-filled eyes, their skin yearning for the other one’s gentle touch.
Laying on his back, Fabian brought his hands above his head, in a gesture of total submission, and spread his legs wide apart, knees bent, inviting Lance to take what was rightfully his. The man ached to be possessed by his husband, to be filled by the other one’s manhood and feel him move inside his tight channel.
Once Fabian was properly prepared, Lance burrowed himself in the man’s hot, welcoming ass, which greedily wrapped around his cock, taking it all. He started to thrust inside his husband, slowly at first, then quickening the pace as surges of pleasure built up in the pit of his stomach, driving him wild with desire for the man who so utterly submitted to him.
A moaning, whimpering mess, Fabian took one hand to his erect, swollen cock, begging for attention, but Lance lightly slapped it away, replacing it with his own hand. The first few strokes were lazy, teasing, but the man soon gave up to his husband’s pleading stare, changing the rhythm of the strokes to sync with that of his thrusts.
Fabian was close to the edge, eyes rolled in the back of his head, begging for release as Lance lightly squeezed his cock, bringing him back, teasing him. After a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity to the black-haired man, his lover whispered in his ear the long-awaited command, and he let out string after string of cum while the other one’s hot load flooded his ass.
Lightly cradling Fabian to his chest, Lance started to poor nectar-sweet words of praise into his ear, telling him how much he enjoyed their lovemaking. His heart was filled with happiness and gratitude for his husband’s deep trust in him and the man’s complete, utter submission. Before their first time together, and even after it, Lance couldn’t have imagined Fabian as a submissive.
Back when his then-boss and Alexander Kane were together, he knew the man bottomed, but always thought he was somehow forced into it. Maybe it was true back then, but Lance didn’t do anything in that direction. It was Fabian who gave up to him, willingly, completely, letting himself be controlled and dominated, even if that could lead to his heart being broken.
Fifteen minutes later, the evidence of their lovemaking cleaned off their bodies, the two men were in each other’s arms, sated smiles on their faces. Fabian’s eyelids fluttered a few times, and he was the first one who slid into dreamland, a serene expression on his face. Lance did the same a few minutes later, his arms wrapped around the man who brought to life his dream of happiness.
After sleeping for a couple more hours, enveloped in the warmth coming from his husband’s body, the man’s breath fanning against his bare skin, Fabian woke up well-rested. That day was going to be busier than usual, but he was ready to start, already excited at the prospect of meeting Ardan and delivering the good news about Fergus’s son.
A little smile formed on Fabian’s lips when he thought about The Base’s boss and how well he’d handled that difficult period of his life. Although from the outside, it seemed that he’d given up searching for his twin, Ardan was keeping the hope alive, not leaving a single stone unturned. However, he did everything with maximum discretion, afraid that Greenwood or worse, his own father, would find out that Fergus was missing.