Page 20 of Ride the Whirlwind
The kids started to clean the table and wash the dishes while Fabian put the leftovers in tightly sealed containers to be consumed later by the mansion's permanently hungry population. Matthew attempted to offer his help, but Lance cut him short, curtly gesturing with his head in the library's direction.
“I'm sorry, but you can't stay here,” the older man abruptly started as soon as they stepped inside the library. “I can't do this to my husband. He's barely holding himself together as it is and doesn't need any more complications in his life.”
“I understand,” Matthew answered after a moment of silence, his voice sad and somewhat bitter. “He's the one who has the wallet and everything else. It wouldn't be wise of you to be the subject of his anger. Had I had any friends, I wouldn't have come here, but as soon as I fell from the bosses' good graces, they all turned their back on me.”
“Fabian is grieving, his favorite stepson disappeared without a trace a few weeks ago, and although we haven’t left a stone unturned, we have no news of him. My husband needs me, so I can't afford to be distracted,” Lance said in a low voice, making great efforts to hide his pain.
“I... can you buy my car, please? I need some money to pay for a room and buy a second-hand one. I'll sell it really cheap. How about ten grand? Five?” Matthew pleaded desperately, on the verge of crying. “Please, I need the money. They made sure no one would hire me when they kicked me out.”
“I... I’ll talk to Fergus or Everly about your situation. I'm sure we will find you a house and a job. There is always something to do at The Base.” Lance patted his former trainee on the shoulder.
Matthew moved away, terror invading his eyes. “Is this how you want to punish me for disrupting your quiet life? I've told you what they did to gay boys back when I was in military school, and you want to throw me to the wolves and throw the key away? Well, I guess I can only die once...”
“You are free to stay here for as long as you want. I've told you that this morning, and I'm not taking it back.” Fabian's shaky voice made the two men turn to him. “The stepson built it from scratch when he was only seventeen, a boy with the strength and courage of a thousand men. It's a place where the neglected, abused, and abandoned find comfort, hope, and the chance to start afresh.”
“I... I’m terribly sorry,” Matthew stuttered, lowering his gaze. “I apologize for all the pain my insensitivity caused you.” He dipped his head in Lance's husband's direction.
“You must be very tired. I've asked Elaine to make the bed in one of the guest rooms. I'll show you there,” Fabian spoke in a low voice, gesturing to the unexpected guest to follow him. “I'll be back in a minute,” he whispered in his husband's ear. “Please, wait for me here.”
“I'm sorry for all the trouble Matthew's unexpected visit caused. The two of us haven’t spoken to each other in over thirteen years. I had no idea he...”
Fabian put a finger on Lance's lips, cutting him short, then, for a few seconds, stared into the man's light-green eyes. “Why do you want him to leave? Was he...unkind to you back then? Did he hurt you in any way? Because he doesn't seem the type.”
“There was this lowkey, mutual attraction between the two of us, but neither of us dared to confess our feelings. However, this morning, when I saw him standing there like an abandoned kitty... I'm afraid of what Matthew can do to us, of how his presence in this house can affect our relationship.”
Fabian didn't reply. He just stood there, inches away from his husband, wrapping him in a warm but also sad gaze. Another love that wasn't meant to be, crushed by the prejudices and people's cruelty, he thought. Memories of the ill-fated romance between himself and the then-Moulay of Sabahaddin invaded his mind, making his heart break, but it only lasted a few seconds.
Drowning in self-pity was something I can afford, Fabian decided, enveloping Lance in a warm, protective hug, not when there were so many people who needed my strength, wisdom, and determination. He was sure Matthew wouldn't do anything to hurt him or Lance; the poor guy seemed to have enough on his plate.
Fabian looked into his husband's eyes, the two sapphires speaking volumes, telling the man how deeply in love he was and how much he trusted him. What we have will live forever, it's built to last, eternal like the stars and the moon, Fabian thought, putting his head on Lance's chest. They belonged together, nothing and no one could change that.
Meanwhile, in the guest room, Matthew tossed and turned, unable to sleep. The mattress was soft, the blankets kept him warm, and the pillows were fluffy—better than he had in months, but the welts and bruises littering his body gave him the pain from hell. Robert, his boyfriend and dominant, took the things too far, and Matthew barely made it out alive.
The man was in deep trouble, and this time, there was no way out, but he didn't have anyone to turn to. Maybe Lance's husband, that Fabian guy with his kind eyes and soft, soothing voice could help him, Matthew thought, but rejected the idea almost immediately.
No matter how generous and friendly Fabian was, his attitude was going to change when he found out about the attraction between his unexpected guest and Lance. No one in their right mind would help a possible competitor for the affection of the man they were married with. Matthew sighed.
And there was, of course, the other problem: the Scottish gang leader from San Francisco whose life was in danger. He had to go there and warn the guy face to face or else the information he delivered could fall in the wrong hands. It will be the start of an ugly international conflict, the end of the world as everyone knew it, Matthew thought, terrified at the perspective.
“I’ve saved a lot of people from life-endangering situations but never in my entire career saw someone so stubborn with so much will to live and heal like Ardan MacNamara.” Doctor Douglas shook his head in disbelief. “A few weeks ago, he had almost no chance of survival, and look at him now...”
“Yes, I saw him walking without crutches.” Graeme smiled. “He's indeed a remarkable man, and a clever one...I hope. How is Martens? Did he finish packing?” The man changed the subject, turning to his lifelong friend.
The doctor checked his watch, smiling. “Actually, the plane took off three hours ago. I don't know what Ardan told him about that summer camp or whatever this place he calls The Base is, but my son is very excited at the idea of going there. Honestly, I'm not so thrilled about the idea, but seeing the happiness on his face every time he spoke about it...”
“You shouldn't be worried. Martens will be safe there. You heard Ardan. Most of the kids from there experienced the same trauma, and they will offer him support and advice on how to deal with what happened and move on.” Graeme's voice, gentle and affectionate, soothed Douglas' tensed nerves.
“I've heard something about the council meeting again today. What is it this time?” The doctor examined his friend's face, but the man's expression was impossible to decipher even for him, who knew Graeme for more than three decades. “It's about the Dragons' House, right? Did they agree to help us?” Douglas' voice was full of hope, his heart beating a little faster.
“Nothing like that.” The other man smiled mysteriously. “Just me getting rid of some people who have had a bad influence on me and my latest decisions. You are also among the guests. You'll see for yourself.”
“Me? I am not one of your associates. Since when am I invited to the council's meetings? I have nothing to do with...”
“Come on, Douglas. You are familiar with this life just as much as I am, and you are also my best friend,” Graeme replied, his voice tinged with guilt when he said the last words.
“You are a very complicated man, my friend.” The doctor smiled, relief washing over him. “You could have said from the start that you need my support. When does the meeting start?”