Page 34 of Ride the Whirlwind
Minutes later, the sweet torture ended, and Graeme shot his release inside his lover's welcoming ass while, with a strangled cry, Keith spilled his seed over his Master's tunneled fist, then collapsed on top of the man, spent and exhausted. Closing his eyes, he let out a small, content sigh like a child falling asleep in his father's arms.
“You’re shivering.” Concern poured out Graeme's voice as he pulled the blanket over Keith, who slid off him. “Here we are. Let's make sure you don't catch a cold.” He tucked the young man in.
“I remembered everything. I was little and scared, always cold, hungry, and thirsty. He was so mean, always calling me names and riling the dogs up. He liked to see my tears, loved when I begged him to stop or asked him to take me to mom.” Head propped in one hand, Keith stared blankly ahead.
“Please, stop, you are breaking my heart,” Graeme softly spoke, caressing the young man's cheek. “If I could kill that bastard again for what he did to you, I would,” he continued, his voice a bit harsher.
“But then you came, wrapped me in your strong arms, and everything was good,” Keith continued, smiling dreamily. “You nourished my body and mind, taught me right from wrong, kept me out of harm's way, gave me everything a father gives to his son, and more.”
“How do you feel about it?” The look in Graeme's eyes became troubled, and his voice was thick and shaky as he realized he may lose the love of the most important person in his life. “Our relationship isn't...”
“It is, for me. I owe you everything: my life, my health, my sanity. You watched over me, educated me, lost sleep over my nightmares. You calm my mind and take care of my body. I love you, Master.” Keith closed his eyes and burrowed his head into the man's chest, a weak smile playing on his lips.
“I love you, too. I always did and always will.” Graeme looked into the young man's turquoise eyes, gently touching his face. “Keith, Camlann, or both at the same time, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, and won't let you go. I don't give a damn about what people may think or say, we belong together.”
But Keith wasn't listening to his lover anymore; cradled in safety, he fell asleep, a light, virginal blush coloring his cheeks under the facial hair. Graeme looked at him, his heart filled with gratitude for the woman who gave him two of the most precious gifts: her love and the fruit of her womb. “Thank you, Abigail,” he whispered, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.
“It's open, you may come in,” Peyton said as a reply to the two discreet knocks at the principal office's door. “Oh, it's you,” they smiled, seeing Nicole, the detective they hired a couple of weeks earlier to find out the truth behind Ardan's so-called death. “Sorry for not talking to you these days, but I've been crazy busy. How are you?”
“No problem. Drew told me about the Social Services' list of requirements and about all the job interviews.” Nicole smiled small, lightly blushing when she said Ardan's friend's name. I'm here to ask you a big favor.” She continued, suddenly saddened. “My uncle is not very well, and...”
“But of course,” Peyton cut her short in a sympathy and understanding-filled voice. “You don't need my permission to visit your uncle or take a day off,” they continued, then paused, looking at the woman. “Are you related to Senator Osborne? My husband said he’s miraculously recovered after being in a coma for more than two weeks.”
“Yes, I'm his niece,” Nicole answered, the same small smile playing on her lips. “Well, adopted niece because Mom couldn't conceive, but he loved me as if I were his brother's flesh and blood. In spite of Uncle Thomas' miraculous recovery, as you called it, the doctors are very reserved about his chances of survival.”
“Let's hope they are wrong,” Peyton said. “It won't be the first time a patient took the doctors by surprise in a pleasant way. Your uncle is an admirable man, a voice speaking for the helpless and abused. My husband has a great respect for him,” they smiled.
Nicole doubted it, but she didn't say anything; instead, she thanked Peyton and then left the principal's office and the school, heading to the main gates. She decided to cut through the park where a few groups of young children were engaged in different games, their happy voices filling the air.
On a bench, under a tree, Nicole spotted Noortje in the company of Martens, the boy that came from San Francisco, bringing the news that Ardan was alive. They were really close, shoulders and heads touching, and spoke in low voices, sharing bits and pieces of their stories of abuse and survival. They are healing each other's souls. Nicole smiled at the thought, continuing her walk.
As she drove to her uncle's residence, located in one of these exclusive neighborhoods far away from the noise and agitation of the big city, the woman couldn't stop to wonder why the Senator wanted to see her. Clifford, his only son, who had for Nicole the affection of an older brother, said the old man was very insistent about the meeting.
“Come in. Father is waiting for you.” the woman's cousin greeted her with a warm, tight hug. “He’s like a child on Christmas morning.” He smiled.
“Well, let's go then. Keeping kids waiting on that special morning is not a nice thing. How is he?” The smile on Nicole's face was replaced with worry and concern.
“Father doesn't have much time, and he knows it but has come to terms with it. He acts with the same dignity as ever and even has the strength to comfort me and mother.” The man let out a heavy sigh, opening the door to the Senator's bedroom. “Sir, you have a guest,” he said in a cheerful voice.
“Thank you, son.” A strong, deep man's voice came from the huge bed in the middle of the room. “Hello, my favorite niece.” Senator Osborne got into sitting position. “I'm so happy to see you.”
“I'm happy to see you, too, Uncle Tom. You look great. I'd marry you on the spot, weren't I already married.” Nicole kissed the man on the cheek.
“When I was young, I did a foolish thing,” the Senator abruptly started, looking into the woman's eyes, “and agreed to let an eighteen-year-old boy pay for my mistake. I arranged to lock him away, offered him decent living conditions, but still... Over time, I populated that place with people who knew the dirtiest, most embarrassing and compromising secrets of the rich and powerful.”
“Are you talking about the secret prison? Were you the one behind it?” Nicole's eyes widened in shock, and she cast an incredulous look in the man's direction.
There's a folder on the desk, here, in my home office.” The senator ignored his niece's question, “I’ve instructed Clifford to give it to you when you leave. There is everything in there: names, ages, photos, the crime each of these men were accused of. I want you to take them out and help them start a new life under a new identity. Please,” he said feverishly, squeezing the woman's hand.
“I... I’ll see what I can do, I have some friends who can help me with the paperwork, and...I'll do it,” Nicole said, looking in her uncle's eyes.
“Thank you, darling.” The man offered a weak smile. “You and Clifford are such good kids. It's such a pity that none of you have the spouses you deserve. Speaking of, there are a lot of things there about your husband, too. Use them as you see fit,” the old man said in a weak, tired voice. “And there is also Ames,” he continued, who must pay for all the evil things he did behind my back.”
“Do you happen to know why the council was summoned? It's against the rules, and I should have been notified way in advance,” Niles MacTeague hissed, casting a cold, questioning look in Timothy Fitzgerald's direction.