Page 27 of Winds of War
Imitating Ravyn, who already scooted very close to the man, Cahal threw himself to Fabian’s chest like that was the most natural thing in the world. Only when strong, warm arms wrapped around him in an affectionate hug did the boy realize how much he was starving for the love of a parental figure.
His beautiful, elegant mother was very scarce with her demonstrations of affection when Cahal was a little boy, and she stopped kissing, hugging, and caressing him when he was six or seven. He remembered her saying it was time for him to stop clinging to her like a crybaby and start to act maturely.
Cahal's stern nanny was the same, always telling him the son of a British high-ranking aristocrat should show self-restraint, and that emotions were for the plebes. As for Nigel Warthon, he only touched the boy to hit him. Every time the man talked to the kid was to mock or insult him in every possible way.
Cahal couldn't get enough of the warmth and affection radiating from the one who hugged him or the safety he experienced in those protective arms. That man who was holding him so tight and close to his heart was, one way or another, associated with The Base, the place where Cahal was welcomed without any questions or reserves.
“Granddad, look what Dunbar found!” a red-haired girl, no older than six, came running, carrying a big orange cat in her arms. “Does she have other little kitties inside her, like Selma's cat did?”
”Um...I'm sorry to disappoint you, little one, but this is a tomcat, a...very well fed one. No kitties inside him,” Cahal answered, amused, disentangling himself from the man's embrace. “I'd be careful with the creature if I were you. It could bite or scratch you.”
“Hello, new boy.” the redhead scrunched her button nose. “I'm not little. I'm Paisley, and I'm six. And this”—she gestured with her head to the feline she was holding—“it's ‘he,’ a tomcat, you said it yourself. Why are you calling him ‘it?’ That's for objects, not for cats, isn't it, Granddad?”
“Yes, sweetheart,” the man approved, his sapphire eyes shining with a mixture of love and amusement. “However, Cahal here just arrived at The Base and doesn't know the rules. Can I count on you to explain everything to him later after he wakes up? He really needs to go to sleep right now.”
“Okay.” Paisley nodded, her eyes resting on Ravyn, who couldn't stop smiling ever since she so abruptly interrupted the moment of tenderness between him, Cahal, and Granddad. “You seem waaaaay nicer than him. Do you want a tomcat?” She gave the feline to the boy, then ran to one of the playgrounds, giggling happily.
“That being said, I’ll let you go and have a well-deserved sleep, dear children.” Fabian smiled paternally. “We'll meet at the school's library later in the afternoon if you won't be too tired to participate,” he added.
“I'll be there, sir. I can't wait to get to know Cahal's boyfriend and the rest of the kids.” Ravyn gave a shy smile. “I didn't have many friends back in Chicago, so...”
“You can count on me, too, sir,” the older boy enthusiastically said. ”Thank you once again for the very warm welcome,” he added, giving Fabian a grateful, affectionate look.
After parting ways with the man, the two boys accompanied Elaine to the small house she, with the help of Dunbar and the Crazy Bunch, arranged for them and Evon. Cahal then remembered the scene involving Paisley and the orange cat. “Is that your sister? Because she has your temper, you know.” Cahal grinned, turning to the girl.
“If you are talking about the little girl from earlier, we are...vaguely related,” Elaine shrugged. “I'm not interested in finding out the truth about my origins, and honestly, it doesn't matter. I love Paisley, anyway. She’s adorable.”
“You can say that again.” Ravyn gave the girl a cute, happy smile. “I never saw a child like her, so bubbly, fun, and smart. Her parents did a hell of a great job with her.”
“Yes, they did,” Elaine approved with a nod. “Here we are.” She pointed to a row of small houses, gesturing for the boys to follow her. “Two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. It's not much, but it's cozy and welcoming, or at least I hope so. “My mission is over. Feel free to explore your new home, if there's any energy left in you.” She grinned.
Cahal thanked Elaine, who waved the two boys goodbye and left. The first thing the older boy did was to help Ravyn, who could barely keep his eyes open, into a brand new pair of pajamas they found in the closet in the smaller bedroom. Once he tucked the younger boy in and kissed his forehead, Cahal started to explore the house.
It was tiny but well-proportioned, and the light coming from the large windows made the rooms appear much bigger than they were. The furniture in the rooms and kitchen was sleek and very functional, the layout leaving plenty of room for moving around. Cahal was pleasantly impressed by the clever tricks the designer used to maximize the space.
Soft, fluffy carpets on the floor, walls painted in pastel tones, curtains that kept the indiscreet looks away, letting plenty of light in—everything was harmoniously combined to create a cozy, peaceful atmosphere. Whoever arranged the furniture and everything else in this house put a lot of work and soul in it, Cahal thought, stepping into the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes and a quick shower later, he stepped into the largest of the two bedrooms and climbed on the bed, which was large enough to accommodate two slim teen boys. Just like Evon and I are, Cahal said to himself, a wide, bright smile appearing on his face when the name and face of his boyfriend came into his mind. A few seconds later, he was sound asleep, dreaming of the moment when the two of them were going to finally be reunited.
The feel of a warm breath fanning against his skin and the sensation that he was being watched woke Cahal up from his deep, restful sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, and the next second gasped loudly, the sleep-induced haze dissipating instantly, replaced with a mixture of disbelief and happiness.
On the bed, facing him and dressed in nothing but underwear and a long, large t-shirt, Evon was studying Cahal, the blue-greenish eyes the older teen came to love so much filled with a mixture of concern and love. Tenderly caressing his boyfriend's cheek, Cahal brushed his lips over Evon's in a delicate, virginal kiss.
The other teen responded the same way, closing the space between them, his still fragile body trembling against Cahal's. It took all his self-control not to make love with Evon then and there, but he remembered the promise he’d made not to touch him until he was of age.
“Look at you,” Cahal cooed, tracing the contour of his boyfriend's face with the pad of his thumb. “The most beautiful boy in the world became even more beautiful. Who thought this could be possible?” The teen took a sharp inhale, then continued in a passionate voice. “I loved you then, I love you now, I'll continue to love you until my last breath.”
“I missed you like crazy,” Evon whispered, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and kissing his temple. “Not hearing anything from you for so many days, knowing that the disgusting specimen you chose as an ally could hurt you in the worst way... I love you, Cahal, now, always, and forever, but I'm worried sick that...
The older teen planted another sweet kiss on Evon's lips, cutting him short. “You have no reason to worry. I decided I don't want to play on Montemayor's team anymore.”
“How...when you decided against the alliance with that Mexican gangster? And why?” Evon hesitantly spoke, breaking the leaden silence that followed his boyfriend's words.
“About ten or fifteen minutes after I met him face-to-face,” the answer came instantly. “He said he wanted to meet you, and I immediately detected his intentions.” Cahal shifted, letting out a long sigh. “To be honest, I had a bad feeling about becoming that filthy bastard's associate even before meeting him. And it was also Seamus who...”
“I can't wait to meet the guy. He's all Nico talks about,” Evon enthusiastically exclaimed. “Well, I can't say I don't understand him. I talked everyone's ears off about how caring, understanding, and affectionate my boyfriend is. So, what can you tell me about the famous Seamus?”