Page 11 of Family Matters
Bart came all over Brian’s leg, the librarian’s last slap finally pushing him beyond comprehension, beyond what he could ever imagine he would feel. Seeing that, the other man growled and lifted him by his hips, throwing him onto the bed. He was on his soulmate in a heartbeat, lifting the man’s hips as he tried to stabilize himself on his knees, but his legs were jelly.
Keeping a strong grip on Bart, Brian plunged deep into his channel, a yell escaping his mouth. The primal sound of the librarian’s voice filled his partner with renewed energy and lust; he quickly braced himself up on his hands and knees, pushingback against his man, who kept every promise, pounding into him with a vigor that had his cock bursting again, fully erect and shooting into the bed sheets within seconds.
The noises coming from Bart’s mouth didn’t sound human, but there was nothing civil or even earthly about the feelings and sensations flowing through his body. He was somewhere else, his head floating among the clouds as his vision swirled. Brian’s hips colliding with his ass were relentless and he could feel the sweat dripping off the librarian’s body onto his back.
Somehow, Bart found the strength to meet each powerful thrust with his own forceful return. He’d already orgasmed twice, but that was nothing to how his body reacted when his husband’s voice found its way through his sublime haze. Cum with me. The three words hit him like a landslide as the librarian thrust his hips one final time, deep into his ass.
Brian let out a deep grunt and Bart felt his loved one spill inside of him, like hot lava shooting against his walls. He felt his balls tighten one more time and burn as the most powerful release yet took over his body, turning it into a quivering mess. The librarian over the other one’s back, his arms holding him up just enough to keep him from crushing Bart.
Brian rested his cheek over the one of his husband’s, gasping in air to relieve his overstressed lungs. Bart could feel his soulmate’s heart beating against his shoulders as he fought to slow down to a normal breathing rhythm.
“Thank you.” Bart whispered in a raspy voice.
Brian lifted his head enough to turn and kiss the other man’s cheek, a simple and sweet kiss which said it all. “I love you, smol bean.” He replied quietly.
“I know.” Bart mused with a languid smile. “I love you, too, babe.”
Last night must have been pretty intense for dad, Liam thought with amusement, looking at Bart, who imperceptibly winced when he shifted in the chair. “Hey, guys, wanna know something funny?”
“Of course!” Brian exclaimed in an affectionate voice. “If it’s something R-rated, you can go ahead; all your siblings are upstairs, in the nursery, with Martino and baby Gianluca.”
“That guy, Harvey, the school counselor, asked me if Luca was my lover.” Liam frowned a bit in concentration. “That was…Thursday, I think. He was confused, surprised, even, when I gave him a negative answer, and mumbled something about growling and teeth barring.”
Brian coughed a few times, looked between Bart and Luca, and then turned to his firstborn, grinning. “Hey, son, wanna see something funny?” When the young man nodded, he continued. “Babe, can I cut my hair?”
“Fuck no.” Bart’s answer came straight away, in a voice filled with determination “You cut your hair short, I swear you'll never get sex again.”
“Whoa, you better think twice, papa.” Liam feigned horror and raised his hands in surrender. “Not that I don’t understand dad, I would do the same, if I were him.” He continued with a grin.
“You won't get any from me, either.” Luca tried to make the sentence sound like a joke. “Sorry, librarian, it wasn’t my intention to…” He continued in an apologetic voice, then fell suddenly silent, lowering his head.
“Wait, what?” Liam’s eyes went wide with shock. “You...and you...and you?” He pointed to his fathers and the Sicilian, then shook his head. “You are batshit crazy, all of you. What about poor Martino? Did you ever think about him, about his feelings?”
“Yes, we did. He’s in this relationship, too.” Bart’s answer came in the gentlest voice his stepson heard him using. “Martino is a sweet boy, who needs to be kissed, caressed, held, and cuddled.”
“If you think we’re crazy, wait until you meet Mert.” Luca had a glint of amusement in his eyes, that was also noticeable in the tone he used. “He decided he's going to have three husbands at the same time. The Quran allows him to have four, so there's room for one more.”
And that was how, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, after eating a slice of Albert’s, Brian’s best childhood friend, delicious chocolate cakes, Liam found out about his fathers being engaged in a polyamorous relationship with Luca and Martino. Although the revelation didn’t shake the young man to the core, it still shocked him.
At first, Liam felt somewhat betrayed, in spite of not being directly affected. He doubted the affection Brian and Bart had for each other, thinking that, if their feelings would have been as strong and genuine as they claimed, none of them would have thought about cheating on his husband. In the youth’s book, sleeping with someone else while being married equaled cheating, regardless of the circumstances.
Of course, Liam kept his opinions to himself, and made great efforts to hide his disapproval, especially since, a few days later, Baldassare accidentally admitted the foursome was common knowledge among the heirs, and not a single one of them judged the men. The youth known as War, or Guerra, also confirmed that what Luca told him about Mert and his harem was true. However, he added, all the boys were as innocent as it gets at that still young age.
The conversation with Baldassare left Liam a bit disappointed; of all people, he didn’t expect the one also known as War or Guerra to have such a permissive attitude towards Brian’s polyamorous relationship. After that, the young man systematically avoided all the talks on the subject; he didn’t want to listen to any more justification of something that, in his opinion, just wasn’t right.
That was until one day, when Bart, who sensed the change in his stepson, decided to set things straight by telling Liam everything about the feelings he and Brian had for Luca and Martino and how everything started. Knocking softly on the door of the youth’s room, he asked for permission to come inside and, after taking a seat, he started to talk.
Bart told Liam how the clueless, heartbroken teen he was then and Brian, the slightly patronizing librarian at The Base, started their relationship on the wrong foot. However, bit by bit, with the invaluable help of Julien, who proved to be a great friend to both, they started to see each other in a completely new light.
Time and distance, Bart continued his story, made both of them realize the depth of the feelings they had for each other and, once reunited, the bond between them tightened with each day that passed. The fact that the young men’s parents loved their respective son’s choice of a boyfriend and gave them their blessing came as a bonus.
The day he found out he was pregnant with Blaise was one of the happiest of his life, Bart said, a radiant smile brightening his face, then he abruptly stopped. After a while, he broke the silence that threatened to become uncomfortable, skipping to when first Gabriele, and then all the other heirs, one by one or more at a time, came into their life.
Martino was among the last ones; a skinny, pale seventeen-year-old, with the most beautiful green eyes and a mop of wavy red hair. He was lost, tired, distrustful, and hissed curses in Sicilian between clenched teeth every time someone tried to get close to him.Every fiber of his body was tensed, and he was permanently ready to attack or run away.
With infinite patience and affection, Brian reached out to the boy, and finally earned his trust enough for him to tell his story of sorrow and loss. The librarian managed to talk Martinointo moving in with him, his husband, and eight children, and Bart instantly felt for the newest addition to their family a deep, brotherly affection, and the need to take care of him.