Page 14 of Family Matters
“Ask me then.” The sound of a familiar voice made the librarian jump out of his skin. “Sorry if I scared you, but I couldn’t help myself; you know I love to take people by surprise.”
“Is it really you?” Brian stood and touched his brother-in-law’s face with his fingers, then put his arms around him and hugged him tightly. “You feel real, it is not just a dream.”
“I'm home” Reardon returned the hug. “Well, at least for the next couple of years, if everything goes smooth.”
You are really back.” Brian shook his head, staring in disbelief at the other man. “Is this time for good, or…” He chuckled “You know the feathers you left behind at the library and everywhere else, I kept them and gathered enough to make several dreamcatchers. Would that offend you?”
“I missed you dearly.” Reardon unfolded his shiny, black wings and wrapped them around the librarian. “To answer your question about the dreamcatchers, no. I left the feathers for you to collect them.”
“The feathers helped, you know.” Brian sighed. “When I missed you, I looked at them, touched them, and felt your presence” He put his hands on his brother-in-law’s shoulders, smiling radiantly. “Edwin will be over the moon.”
“I should say this more often; thank you for taking me in your heart and trusting me with your brother.” Reardon’s expression was a mix of affection and gratitude. “My beautiful, sexy, intelligent, loving husband. My heart is filled with love for Edwin and our children.” He continued in a sincere, passionate voice.
“I wanted to fight you so bad when it came to Edwin. I was so stubborn. I still am.” Brian shook his head, amused, then his expression became serious as he continued. “But, when I saw how much he loved you I knew he'd be okay. When you told me you knew me and took care of me all those years. I knew I had a friend and I couldn't turn you away.I'll always be grateful to have Edwin, you, and those sweet babies in my life.”
“You don’t know how thankful I am that you gave me a chance.” Reardon’s eyes were shining with unshed tears. “I love your children and husband dearly, too. And'll always be my best friend, the one who fed me when I was hungry.”.
“I didn’t see you coming.” Bart walked into the living-room and showed the recently finished dreamcatcher to the unexpected, but always welcomed, visitor. “This is my darling’s newest creation. He is extremely talented.”
“That's...I'm speechless. It looks magnificent!” Reardon exclaimed, after examining the decoration from all angles. “One of these days, I'll ask you to make one for us, too.”
“I already did that.” Brian gave his brother-in-law an amused smile. “I have all the kids wanting one, so knowing me, I'll be busy.” He continued after a brief pause. “I can make some for the babies, too. That's for you and Edwin.”
“Thank you.” Reardon took another close look at the dreamcatcher. “It represents us so well!”
“The first feather I got from you… I use it as a bookmark.” Brian had a dreamy look on his face. “It makes me smile when I read.”
“Dad, can we…” Breanna came running into the room, but suddenly halted when she saw Reardon, “Simon, come see who’s here!” She yelled, then threw herself into the man’s wide-opened arms.
Alerted by their sister’s high-pitched voice, Blaise, Alana, Antoinette, Dane, and Jeremy abandoned their activities and went into the living-room, followed shortly after by Simon, the shiest of all. When the little boy realized who the guest was, he imitated his twin sister and ran to Reardon, climbing on one of the man’s knees and putting his tiny arms around his neck.
Brian gestured with his head to the two roomy armchairs flanking the couch, and Bart got the message, leaving the couch to make room for the older kids, who surrounded Reardon, talking all at once and asking their uncle questions about the places he visited during his prolonged business trip and hoping this time he would stay home longer.
With the same voice he used when talking to Edwin and the babies they had together, Reardon told his nieces and nephews about places of breathtaking beauty, where only a few courageous adventurers dared to set foot; about snow-covered mountains and emerald oceans, lush, thick forests and giant seas of sand, as he called deserts.
Intrigued that all his siblings went inside and none of them came back, Liam, who was reading a book about Old-World Mafia’s history, walked into the house to see what was keeping the little ones there. Guided by the sound of his siblings’ voices and giggles, the young man headed to the living-room, stopping in the doorway and staring at the man on the couch.
It didn’t take long for Liam to figure out who the stranger was; judging by the way his brothers and sisters interacted with him, by the affection shining in his eyes every time when he gazed over them, he couldn’t be any other than the mysterious, permanently absent, but so much loved by everyone, uncle Reardon.
Brian introduced Liam to Reardon, offering his brother-in-law the abridged version of how his firstborn came into his life and what followed after he decided to move in with him and Bart. Meanwhile, the kids got closer to one another, making room for their older brother, who accepted the seat with a warm, grateful smile.
Liam felt instantly connected to Reardon, just how it happened with Bart and his siblings, including Gabriele, who was not related to him by blood. This is what having a family who really loves you must feel like, the youth said to himself for the thousandth time since he chose to move into his biological father’s house. Papa’s and dad’s house, Liam thought, smiling radiantly.
Donna Fabrizia studied carefully the photo on the desk. “Are you sure she’s Semyon Narkin’s only daughter? His only child?”
“Si, Signora.” The man standing in front of the woman dipped his head before continuing in a respectful voice. “I guarantee with my life that one who gave me the information spoke the truth.”
“Remember those words when the time comes.” Although spoken in a flat voice, Donna Fabrizia’s words sent chills down the man’s spine. “Now, about the boy. Is he as important as his mother in the great scheme of things?”
“Extremely important.” The man emphasized extremely. “You see, the Russians are not like us; the bastards have the same rights and are treated the same as the legitimate children, so, if his mother dies, that spoiled brat becomes Semyon Narkin’s successor.”
“Spoiled brat, indeed: he smokes, drinks, occasionally does drugs, parties heavily… the boy committed almost all the capital sins before turning seventeen.” Donna Fabrizia’s voice had a hint of amusement which vanished when she pressed her finger to the file in front of her. “If what’s written here is true, that is.” She relaxed into the chair. “Now about that boy’s father. Name, occupation, everything you have on him.”
The man cleared his throat. “You see, Semyon never cared too much about this aspect. On the contrary, he was much happier with his daughter’s decision of having a child without being married. The existence of a husband would have complicated things. However, it is rumored that the boy’s father is none other than Reardon O’Hara.”
With a gesture of her hand, Donna Fabrizia dismissed the man and, after he left, she started browsing through the file again. Such an immense potential, what a pity it would have to be wasted like that, the old woman sighed. Sonya Narkin would have been a great gang leader, when her old man would kick the bucket. Well, this is it, the survival of the fittest, she shrugged, her thoughts taking a turn.