Page 19 of Family Matters

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Page 19 of Family Matters

Brian nodded. It was an automatic reaction; for the moment, he forgot the young man laying on the hospital bed couldn’t see him. “Sure.” He turned to Ferris. “Do you mind if you wait for me in the car? I’ll give the keys to Malaspina, who will accompany you to the parking lot or, if you want, he can drive you home.”

“Take your time and don’t worry about me, I’ll go with him.” The teen pointed to Malaspina. “I saw how much you and your husband trust him, so why shouldn’t I?”He bent and hugged Callum. “Next time, I promise to stay longer. Then again, I hope therewon’t be a next time; I mean, you’ll fight to get better soon.”

“I promise I’ll listen to the Doc, take all the meds and follow all his other recommendations by the book, so he’lldischarge me earlier.” The bodyguard grinned, then waved while Ferris and Malaspina were leaving the room.

“I’m getting older.” Brian said in an apologetic voice, breaking the silence that threatened to overtake the room after the other two visitors left. “I promised I’ll bring you some audiobooks, but I completely forgot. However, tomorrow I’ll come again, and I promise…”

“My father got drunk very often and hit me with his wide, thick belt. He had no mercy, although I was an eight-year-old skinny kid.” Callum cut the librarian short, his voice filled with a mix of pain, anger, and curiosity. “I'm no one for you, why do you do all these things for me? Why did your guard offer to teach me how to fight? Did you tell him to?”

“I'm sorry your father treated you so horribly, you didn't deserve that.” Brian made great efforts to keep his emotions under control. “I know a good man when I meet one, and that’s what, or rather who you are. I want to help you, it's just who I am. No I didn't tell him to, but he understood that you will wish to continue to guard Ferris and wants to help you be able to do that.”

“Can you believe I'm twenty-two and I’m still afraid my father will come after me?” Callum stared blankly ahead. “I still have nightmares from the beatings.”

“Yes I believe you. I'm sorry you have nightmares.” Brian gave the young man’s hand a soft squeeze. “Is he after you? Can I help at all?”

“Yes. No. I don't know for sure.” Callum hesitated, regretting that he brought the subject up. “I'm tired, I want to sleep. Please”. Tears were running down his cheeks as he spoke.

“I’ll leave you to rest, then, and I’ll come back tomorrow with the audiobooks. I’ll also bring Ferris again, if you want.”

Callum smiled through tears. “Yes, please, I'd love to hear Ferris' voice every day.” A frown creased his forehead. “However, I don’t want him to skip school and spend time with me instead. Miss Sonya wouldn’t have liked knowing he neglected his education.” He licked his lips. “I don’t want him to end up like…” He waved his hand dismissively.

“Like who?” Brian took the young man’s hands in his. “Look, if there’s something, anything, I can do to make your life easier, don’t hesitate to tell me.” The man paused a bit, then continued in a warm voice. “There’s this guy I've been friends with since we were very little, and you sacrificed your physical integrity to protect his firstborn, so you’re part of my family. I’m talking about Reardon, Ferris’ father, who, just like me, would do anything to help you.”

Callum inhaled sharply. “It’s my younger brother, Magnus. He’s the same age as Ferris, and I have reasons to believe he dropped out of high school. Unlike me, he learned to fight, and used that to defend himself against our father, who thought he’d become his next punching bag. This is the address, if you want to check on him.”

“Rest now.” Brian said in a soft voice after he texted the address to Julien, asking him to find out everything he could about the people living there. “Talk to you tomorrow.” He gave the young man a fatherly kiss on the forehead.

Brian was still driving back from the hospital when Julien answered him. Knowing his brother-in-law, the message was a long, complete surveillance report, so he waited to get home, sohe could read it with all the attention it required. Once home, the librarian headed to the living-room, plopped down in his favorite armchair, and opened the message.

From the very first lines, Brian’s eyes widened in shock. The world is indeed a small place, he murmured as his reading progressed. Callum’s last name was O’Brien, and his father, Peter, was none other than Oisin’s uncle, the one who kept the poor boy locked in a cold, dark room for almost three years, after his father died.

As for Magnus, his older brother was unfortunately right: not only did his younger brother drop out of school, but also refused to listen to his well-intended friends and go back, claiming that all he needed in order to be a gang leader was a big fist and a reliable gun. Studying and doing homework was for losers, and he didn’t intend to waste his time with such meaningless things.

Magnus is a lost cause. Peter O’Brien bastard twisted his poor son’s mind and turned him into a narrow-minded, brutal, and possibly homophobic asshole, Brian thought, his heart aching.Good thing Callum ran before it was too late, breaking that vicious cycle, he continued his internal monologue.

His older brother isn’t going to take the news of Magnus dropping out of high school very well, the librarian was aware of that. The man dreaded the moment when Callum would bring the subject up on his next visit, and he would have to tell him the truth. With everything that happened to him lately, the young bodyguard would be devastated by the news.

A smile appeared on Brian’s lips as an idea popped in his head. While he couldn’t lie to Callum about his brother’s situation, he could sweeten the pill by telling the young man that his cousin Oisin was free from the tyrant who locked him away like he was a wild beast, and had a promising future ahead of him with a man who is madly in love with him by his side.

At that point, Brian’s phone buzzed again, signaling another message from Julien hit his inbox. Apparently, the source of the information he had on Callum’s younger brother was a kid named Calvin, who had feelings for Magnus. Worried about what could happen to his friend, he went to his house, in an attempt to convince him to leave that place and his abuser of a father.

However, instead of seizing the opportunity, Magnus doesn't want to go with him. He says he is going to kill Calvin one day, to teach him to keep his nose out of other people's business. Well, he is lost, Brian concluded with a sigh, shaking his head in defeat, as he decided to tell everything to Callum.

To the librarian’s huge relief, Ferris was planning to go with Semyon to his school and talk to the principal about his new schedule, that included catching up with the classes he missed while he was kidnapped and later, when he mourned the loss of his mother. The young guard was also happy the kid wasn’t present, because he wanted to talk to the librarian in private.

“I’ve had your brother checked.” Brian abruptly started the conversation. “Unfortunately, you were right; under your father’s influence, he dropped out from high school.” He clearedhis throat before continuing. “One of his classmates offered to help him leave your father’s home, but he refused.”

“Such a stupid, foolish kid.” Callum pressed his lips together, disappointment written all over his face. “The old man managed to turn my little brother into…him.” He hatefully spat the last word.

“I'm worried for Calvin, the boy who offered to help Magnus.” Brian continued in a thick voice. “Your brother threatened to kill him, and I think that, if he ever finds out that poor kid has feelings for him…”

“I am, too.” Callum let out a long sigh. He is a powerful gangster’s only child, and my father is a homophobic bastard. If he touches Calvin in any way, it isn't going to end well.” For a few moments, he didn’t say anything, staring ahead, then continued in a bitter voice. “Did you know he starved my cousin Oisin to death only because the poor kid was gay? I already left, but someone told me the poor thing barely whined before he died.”

“Your father’s evilness and his hateful ways poisoned Magnus’ heart and soul so much that he now has an ugly, distorted view of the world. For him it may be too late, but not for your cousin.” Brian paused for a long moment before finally dropping the bomb. “Oisin is alive.”

“No, that’s impossible.” Callum vehemently shook his head. “My father wouldn't have let him get away with being gay.”

When your grandfather passed away, he trusted his best friend, Don Calogero Sedara, to take care of Oisin. At that time, the poor boy had indeed a lot of issues, so Don Calogero asked me to help him.” Brian patiently explained. “I also happened to have a brief, but intense encounter with your uncle Desmond,Oisin’s father, but that’s another story, for another time.” He added in an amused voice.

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