Page 11 of Sins and Secrets
While he attends to his messages, I people watch. One minute things are quiet, sedate, then there’s a significant shift in the vibe. One of the front desk staff grabs our waitress by the elbow and whispers something. The waitress covers her mouth and runs off to the kitchen. A man in a chef's uniform comes sprinting out and vanishes. More staff leave their stations and congregate at the entrance of the restaurant.
About a minute later, red and white lights flash in the parking lot. Leaving Uri at the table, I walk out to the lobby because I'm a nosy bitch.
EMTs are bringing out a stretcher, and one of the workers explains where to go. There’s frantic finger pointing and someone says, “The path is through the woods.”
One EMT hangs his head and runs ahead, barking orders to the guys behind him. By now, pretty much the entire staff has congregated in the lobby.
Uri sneaks up behind me and asks, “What’s going on?”
Our waitress dabs her eyes. “Mr. Ferguson, the hotel owner, collapsed. His wife called 911. He basically raised all of us and has lived on the property his whole life.”
One of the receptionists says, “He lives in a little cottage on the edge of woods. You can only see it in February when the trees are bare.”
The waitress leans on the receptionist. “What are we going to do?”
Uri leaves a hundred dollar bill on the table and walks me to my car. “Life's too short, Waverly.”
I'll break up with Adam when the dust from the wedding settles. It’ll give me plenty of time for an escape plan.
As I walk out to my car my phone buzzes.
Angie: Bad news.
Me: What?
Angie: Kyle picked Lukas to be a groomsman.
Lukas. My stomach tingles and I can't tell if it's nerves, embarrassment, or relief Adam wasn't picked. Of course, it could be the image of Lukas in a tux.
Me: He’s gonna hate that.
Angie: Yep.
Angie: And he'll have to spend time with the family and go to all the social gatherings, not pop in for five minutes and leave.
Angie: We should welcome him.
Me: Any suggestions?
Angie: Only one answer.
Guess I’m off to the grocery store.
I don't workon Sundays. It's a slow day for the shop. Only two artists come in, otherwise we would shut down completely. So, instead, I’m home alone, scrolling on my phone and listening to podcasts. Sunday mornings are the best. Human interaction only disappoints me.
I'm deep into an Instagram rabbit hole when there's a bang at my door. Then two quick bangs. Yep, it’s Angie.
Opening it and hanging on the frame, I tilt my head to greet my half sister with a smile. She’s a few inches shorter than me, and we don't look anything alike. I’m a carbon copy of my father—tall with light blond hair and a resting asshole face. Angie look’s more like Mom, just less judgment and happier. Adam is the perfect mix of Mom and Richard, the male child she always wanted.
Angie barging in on my alone time, I expect. Waverly holding a bag and a plate of cookies makes my stomach drop. I step back in surprise and her smile fades.