Page 86 of Sins and Secrets
“On it.” She dashes off as soon as we step out of the main church.
Fortunately, the people in the front of the church will be the last to leave, and the bride and groom opted against a receiving line. I shoot off a text to the Scary Russian Guy and head toward Waverly.
Is she really this happy, or is it a perfect act?
Kyle’s sister comes back with the coat I recognize from last night and a small purse. I walk to Waverly and place the coat over her shoulders. “Let’s go.” It’s a straight up order. She blinks at me, like she can’t process the words.
Angie and Kyle shoot me knowing looks. “We’ll see you in the limo,” Kyle says and motions to his brother that there’s been a change in the carpool.
The icy blast slams against my face as I open the church door, but it melts the instant it hits my hot rage. I get her to the car and away from people. The limo driver hops out to do his job, but I’ve already got the door open for us. Waverly slides onto one long seat and I join her.
Once the driver shuts the door and we’re alone, I pull her on my lap, one arm around her waist the other hand touching her cheek. “Love, are you okay?”
She takes a second to snuggle into the space I’ve provided for her. “Are you?” she asks, her hands mirroring mine.
“Me? He…” I can’t even say it. “You…You’re what’s important.”
The serene smile fades and the mask finally falls. Thank God I’m here to catch it.
“Fine, me first, then you,” she says, but waits for my answer. I nod and she drops her hands from my cheeks. “I’m not hurt, but I’m pissed.”
“Me, too.”
She shakes her head. “Yeah, but probably not for the same reasons.” She nuzzles into my shoulder, and I drop my hand to her leg. “I’m pissed I wasted my time on him. I’m livid he would ruin Angie and Kyle’s wedding. And he was all creepy to his date, who I met in the bathroom and she’s super nice.” Waverly mumbles, “I owe her a new purse.” She’s quiet for a moment. “I’m annoyed, but not hurt. In fact, I’m not even sad over the death of the relationship. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out why this breakup felt different. Watching the way Kyle looks at Angie, them taking their vows, it hit me. I was never in love with Adam. Not even at our best.” She pauses and puts her hands on my heart, smoothing out my shirt. “When you and I broke up, it wrecked me. I sobbed for months. Hell, I’m pretty sure Uri put a hit out on you.”
“Well, thankfully it didn’t work, because I’m still alive.” I give her a little squeeze, causing her to nuzzle deeper into me.
“But with Adam, I feel nothing but annoyance.” I lift her chin to meet my gaze. Her makeup is still there, soft and light, her hair still perfect. She brings her lips to mine and they brush against each other. “I’m saying I loved you then and never stopped.”
Our ensuing kiss starts off soft and sweet, but as I pull her closer into my chest and she moans, it turns to a primal need to touch every inch of her. To make her whimper and cry with desire.
Before I can get too far, the car door opens and Kyle and Angie slide in. I half expect Waverly to climb off me, that I would have to fight to hold her in place. Now that I have her, I’m never letting go.
But she stays on my lap, wrapped in my arms.
The assault comes from Angie. “And how long has this been going on?” She punctuates her demand, smacking me on my knee with each word.
“This time? A few weeks,” Waverly says.
I get another round of rapid slaps. “This time?! There was another time? How long ago? How long did it last?”
Again, Waverly answers before I can get a single sound out. “It ended about five years ago.” She pauses and thinks it over. “Well, we had been hooking up for five years over the summers, but it became pretty serious in the last two.”
Now Kyle asks, “How serious?”
“I was going to move to Seattle.”
The married couple stare at us, jaws open as wide as their eyes.
Angie regroups quicker than Kyle. “Why did you break up?” There’s an icy change about her. Funny, it’s exactly the same as the way the entire wedding party looked—fake smiles, joy that didn’t reach their eyes.
And again, Waverly is the only one who seems genuinely happy.
This one I answer. “Miscommunication.”
Angie straightens her shoulders and crosses her arms.“Why didn’t you say anything? Either one of you.”
Waverly’s voice is softer. “I thought you’d be mad. With Izzy gone and my family constantly pushing me out of the way, I didn’t want to lose you too.”