Page 74 of Shield and Savior
That’s when Hadeon runs toward me with the dogs flanking him. The knots in my stomach twist. He puts down his phone with a grim expression. “Hey, did you see Alana here?”
The jeebies explode in a crippling attack when I say, “No.”
Racing through the streets, it’s like Karma hates me. I hit every red light between the school and the office. Everyone is in the field because I’m out of rotation, and everything got screwed up. It’s my fault there’s no staffing right now.
For the past two weeks, I’ve lived in various states of panic. This might be the worst of it. My heart thunders in my ribcage, echoing through my body and pounding in my ears.
A Prius cuts me off and drives five miles an hour below the speed limit. God, Prius owners are the fucking worst. Once there’s an opening, I speed past it. Only two blocks away. No flashing lights, no sirens. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe Alana lost track of time.
That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever thought. Even the logical part of my brain refuses to believe it. The hopeful part knows it’s a lie, and the jeebies laugh at me.
Rounding the corner, I see Macie in the parking lot. She’s clutching something black, bouncing on her toes and turning her head between the office and the building across the street.
Leaving the car running, I jump out and skid on the pebbles and uneven ground.
“What’s wrong?”
Her bottom lip quivers as she blinks. “Alana’s in there.” She motions with her chin but clutches on to the…ohhh shit. The portal server. All our clients’ data, codes, houses, numbers, even pictures we’ve intercepted from blackmailers. Fuck.
For a second I almost don’t hear her. “Delta has her. He’s got a gun, and I think maybe a bomb. He came in screaming and yelling and went on a fucking rampage. He had me at gunpoint, but Alana traded herself.”
There’s a red bruise in the center of Macie’s forehead. My stomach tightens. “Is there anyone else in the building?”
“Specs is across the street, but he can’t get a clear shot.”
I push past Macie. I have to get to Alana.
Things I should’ve asked:
1) How long have they been in there?
2) Were the cops called?
3) How many weapons does he have besides the gun and the bomb?
4) Is he alone?
5) Why is he doing this?
But I’m running in blind. Alana’s in danger, and that’s all I need to know.
With soft steps, I make my way up the stairs, trying hard to avoid the squeaky steps and the one Jasper spilled his Slurpee on and is now a sticky mess. The office has an old brick and wood frame. Alana pitched the idea of getting it renovated, bringing more things up to code, but the staff voted in favor of health insurance.
So Alana put everyone else’s needs and desires before hers.
She also pays for Macie’s college courses. Alana pays the bill before Macie ever sees it, and Macie pays what she thinks is the Bursar Office. It’s really a slush account that Alana plans on giving back to Macie at graduation.
There are a million tiny, and several monumental, things Alana does for everyone else. And the one fucking time she needs someone, she’s alone.
Why does everyone fail her?
There’s no door at the top of the stairs on the third floor. I’ve been ninja quiet, toe to heel with every step, but Delta’s screams echo down the hallway.