Page 24 of Sinclair Duet
“Ella, please sit down.”
Begrudgingly, I conceded.
“Mr. Sinclair suggested a sponsorship campaign unlike any we currently have or have had. It would essentially be a partnership within the framework of a not-for-profit structure. He informed me of a coalition that has recently been formed with Sinclair Pharmaceuticals, Wade Pharmaceutical in Chicago, and other smaller pharmaceutical companies in our regional vicinity. Their partnership makes their coalition a bigger player in lobbying the FDA as well as other benefits.”
My thoughts were spinning. “What does that have to do with us?”
“Mr. Sinclair said he’d spoken with Mr. Sherman, and they felt that Beta Kappa Phi could benefit from the coalition more so than from each company separately.”
“The two of them decided this?”
I didn’t ask that aloud.
Was it during their morning coffee, after I’d told him to leave?
Millie went on, “Since our conversation, not only have I given this proposal extensive thought, but I’ve also gone ahead and contacted legal.” She nodded. “It is worth exploring.”
“Legal? Good. There will be legal and ethical concerns…It would be a massive undertaking.”
“That is why I want someone I trust to spearhead it.” Before I can suggest Niles or even Kevan, she continued, “And that person is you.”
Shaking my head, I replied, “I don’t think it is—don’t think I am.”
“Mr. Sinclair specifically asked for you. You’re to meet him at his office this afternoon at three o’clock.”
“Millie,” I pleaded, “I still have obligations regarding the gala. And if we want to have it here in Indianapolis next year, I need to get busy…” My excuses came rapid-fire.
“For the meantime, Niles will take over your work. This prospect is too big to let slip through our fingers. Think of the good that can be done with this pharmaceutical coalition.”
“You knew about this opportunity during the meeting?”
Millie nodded.
“And you didn’t stop Kevan from belaboring the point.”
“It seemed moot, knowing what I knew. The idea of this campaign is in its infancy, but honestly, Ella, I think it could be a game changer.”
With the cups of coffee churning inside me, I looked down at my skirt and back to my boss. “Hisoffice.”
She smiled. “I have the address, but I doubt you’ll need it.”
“No. I know where his office is.”
“I’ll be anxious to hear how it goes.”
It was the only word that came to mind.
“Darius Sinclair is on line one,” Johnathon, my assistant said, speaking through the interoffice intercom.
My gaze went to one of my computer screens preparing me for my upcoming meeting. I was concentrating on the business because if I didn’t, if I thought about the woman about to enter my office, my circulation would give me away. The last person I wanted to talk to was my brother. “Tell him I’m busy.”
“I have, sir. This is his third call.”