Page 22 of Suddenly Single
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
I turned and glared at her, but she just put her hands on her bony hips and glared back. When I was a kid, Mom never hired a nanny, because Florida was my back-up mother. She drove me to school, took me to tennis lessons, and while all that was happening, she’d morphed into a cantankerous she-devil.
“Dearest Asher, you’re so oblivious to the way our world works.” Mary Jane frowned. “Karina does everyone who’s anyone’s hair, and her salon is gossip central. When your mother hears about this, she’s going to…”
“When I hear about what, Mary Jane?” Mother strolled into the living room and went straight to the bar.
“You're home early, Mom.” I said, and Florida took my plate and set it on the cart. “Hey, I wasn’t finished eating!”
“You’ve had more than enough.” Florida snapped. “Wasn’t Carter upset you were outgrowing all your things? If you want Carter, you’d better get your figure back.”
“Oh my God.” I moaned into my hands.
“Well, Marjorie, it looks like Asher went to Carter’s business, and they had a well, let’s just say, a belligerent encounter on the street in front of Karina, and her customers.” Mary Jane rolled her eyes.
“Asher,” Mom sat next to me. “When I said you should fix this situation, I meant it. Personally, I don’t care if you want to air your dirty laundry in the streets, but it could come back to haunt you.”
“Mom, when I arrived at Carter’s shop, another man was there with him.”
Everyone gasped.
“What? Carter didn't tell me that…” Florida started, but I cut her off.
“Yes, there was another man there, and Mother,” I turned to her. “It was Cort Tyler.”
Mom’s eyebrows drew together, then she sipped her drink and shut her eyes. “Please, please, please tell me nothing untoward was going on?”
“No, of course not. Sissy was there, and you know how she sticks her nose in everyone’s business.” I said, and like a Greek chorus, the ladies all mumbled, “Uh, huh.”
“Indulge my curiosity, Asher.” Mom sighed. “What was my employee doing at Carter’s shop?”
Everyone drew in a deep breath. Cort was the one not thinking with the appropriate head.
“He asked Carter out on a date.” My throat tightened, and I decided it was time for another drink. I stood and walked over to the bar. When I turned around, Mom was shaking her head with her bright pink lips pressed in a straight line. “As I told you already, I’d asked Cort to help me with Carter. Instead, he saw it as the perfect opportunity to make his move.” I paused for dramatic effect. “Carter accepted his invitation.”
“Cort is the most competitive man I’ve ever known,” Mom muttered, and raised an eyebrow. “Which is why he’s an excellent lawyer. But, he…”
“Fire his ass!” Florida interrupted.
“Yeah!” Lila Brooke and Mary Jane exclaimed.
“I can’t do that.” Mom blinked. “He’d sue me. But I will let him know that I’m not pleased. We’ve always had a good working relationship. Let’s see if he values that relationship or not.”
I felt fingers in my hair and glanced up to see Florida, who had a quizzical expression on her face.
“I love Carter, but this is the limit.” She grumbled. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Do you know where they’re going, honey?”
“No, but it’s not too hard to find out.” I could easily get Sissy to spill the beans. The woman couldn’t keep a secret.
“Find yourself a man and show up where they’re going to be.” She kissed the top of my head. “Nobody messes with my family.”
“So I’m in your good graces again?” I smiled up at her, and she clucked her tongue.
“Always were, except when you were doing stupid shit.”
“Darling, if you want to do something like that, feel free. But I refuse to see our good name dragged through the mud.” Mom went to the bar and started pouring another drink. “I can’t decide for you, but I dare say that if Carter continues to act the way he is, it might be best to let him go.” Mom said over her shoulder.
My chest tightened. I’d do anything to win Carter back, but Mom had a point. So far, I’d been reduced to arguing with him on the street. What was next? Fist fights? Not only would that accomplish nothing, it could hurt my family’s reputation, and the business.