Page 26 of Suddenly Single
“Wasn’t she the firm's biggest producer even before he died?” I’d swear that’s what Asher told me.
“Oh yes. Despite her being half-drunk most of the time, she’s a shark.” Cort sipped the wine and sighed. “The problem is, she’s a woman.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I shook my head in disgust. Why did I agree to go out with this man again?
“Now it’s all work. We used to have fun, but when he died, Marjorie was hell-bent on making it the number one firm in the state. And she did, but that’s not what I signed up for.” Cort shook his head. “Though I’m the best lawyer at the firm, it’s not what I love. In fact, I’m thinking of getting my real estate license and quitting.”
Ah. So that’s why Cort didn’t mind pissing off the Yates family. He was planning on leaving. “From what I’ve been told, you’re fantastic at what you do.” I honestly didn’t know what else to say. God, blowhards bored me.
“As I said, I’m the… oh my God.” Cort’s eyes widened. “I can’t believe he’s here.”
“Who?” I swiveled my head around, then froze. “Why is that ugly man holding Asher’s hand?”
Chapter 15
Cort’s mouth dropped open when we entered the restaurant. I winked at him. He turned scarlet, then Carter turned in their booth to get a look. His mouth opened, shut, then he turned back to Cort.
“Gentlemen.” The hostess seated us across the dining room from Carter and Cort. It was close enough to see them, but far enough away I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Every few seconds, Carter would glance over at me and Ted. Cort took his hand, and to my delight, Carter snatched it away.
“I know him.” Ted whispered. “Isn’t that Cort Tyler?”
“Yes.” I grinned. “He works at mother’s law firm. Well, for now, that is. If I had to bet money on it, I’d say he won’t be with us much longer.”
“Your husband is hot.” Ted winked. “Oops, sorry. Your not husband is hot.”
“Yes, he is. Thankfully, he doesn’t think so.” I opened the menu. “One of the best things about Carter is his lack of vanity. He dresses well, takes care of himself, but it’s all because he feels unattractive. Doesn’t matter how many times I tell him he’s the best looking man in the world, he never believes me.”
I glanced over to Carter’s booth and realized I didn’t have a clear view of him thanks to a table in the center aisle blocking my view. That’s when I noticed a mirror on the wall right behind them. Looking there, I could see both their faces at the same time.
“Gentlemen, my name is Elisa and I’ll be your server this evening.” She had red hair the same color as Cort’s, and a tiny diamond stud in her nose. “What can I get you to drink?”
“Vodka on the rocks, top shelf.” I replied, and Ted ordered a Scotch. Once the waitress was gone, we resumed spying on Carter and Cort. Apparently, Carter couldn’t see me peeking at them through the mirror, and every thirty seconds he’d crane his head to stare at us. Honestly, I was admiring his restraint. He crossed his arms over his chest, and his lower lip stuck out like a pissed-off teenager.
“Okay, so what’s next?” Ted whispered. “Do you want me to act frisky with you?”
“No, not yet. Let’s allow the moment to build.” I replied, and an odd feeling of satisfaction spread through my limbs. Cort’s face matched his hair color, while Carter was frantically whispering something. He attempted a smile, but instead, Carter bared his clenched teeth. He had been giving me hell for days now, and it felt good watching him react to me and Ted’s presence. “Okay, let’s turn up the heat a little.”
The waitress dropped off our drinks, and as soon as she was gone, I reached across the booth and took his hand, keeping my eyes on the mirror behind Carter.
“Well now, I never knew you cared.” Ted giggled. “Ooh! Look at him!”
Carter’s fists clenched, and I knew it was taking every ounce of self-control he had, which wasn’t much, to keep from flying off the handle. One of his arms twitched, and his wine glass fell to the floor with a crash.
“Goddamnit!” He yelled, then his back straightened. Cort snuck a glance at us, and at that moment I knew how miserable he must be feeling. Served the bastard right. The waitress rushed over with a fresh glass and began cleaning up the mess. I could tell from Carter’s pinched expression that he desperately wanted to say something. But, he couldn’t until the server left. A moment later, he was whispering to Cort. Then, Carter took Cort’s hand and attempted to gaze at him adoringly. It was fake, I could tell. But, now that Carter was upping the ante, I escalated things.
“Ted.” I leaned over the table and whispered, “come sit next to me on this side of the booth.”
“Are you sure?” Ted’s eyes darkened. I knew why. In our social circles, public displays of affection were frowned upon. Holding my hand was one thing, but such close proximity was rarely done.
“Yes, I’m positive.” I patted the seat next to me, and Ted rose to his feet and sat.
“Direct hit.” Ted whispered, nodding toward them. Carter’s mouth hung open, and Cort had his face in his hands. Damned asshole knew when he was beaten. Carter stomped over to our table.
“Whoever you are, stop it right now.” Carter fumed, pointing at Ted. “I know this isn’t an actual date you’re on, Asher. You’re doing it to hurt me.”
I put my arm over Ted’s shoulders and smiled. “Carter, you’re the one who said you had to get on with your life. Well,” I pecked Ted’s cheek, “I’m getting on with my life.”