Page 30 of Suddenly Single
I rubbed my chin, confused. “Uh, Carter is sleeping in his loft over the shop. So enlighten me about something. Why did Cort tell you that?”
“Cort Tyler thought it best to call me, and he put in his notice.” Mom sighed. “He’s an excellent lawyer, and part of me wanted to refuse him. But, if he’s going to be disloyal to our family, it’s best that he leave. There are numerous ways he could sabotage the firm, so instead of trying to stop him, I thanked him for his work over the years and hung up. He’ll be gone in two weeks.” Mom shrugged her shoulders. “I know the two of you were close, but…”
“Mom, we weren’t that close. He was someone I played tennis with, that’s all.” I sighed with relief. “I’m kind of shocked that Cort did the respectable thing.”
“The Tylers are an old family, and despite Cort’s betrayal, he knows the proper thing to do.” Mom lifted a tumbler of what I presumed was vodka to her lips. “If he hadn’t resigned, it would’ve forced my hand. Since we can no longer trust the man, I would’ve found a way to make him leave.”
I’d seen Mom in action before, and she was ruthless. The last associate to piss her off went from litigating high-profile cases to representing clients in traffic court. He was gone in a matter of weeks.
“So, darling, why did Carter choose to sleep above his shop?”
“Actually, I wanted him to.” I rubbed my temples with my fingers. “We can’t ever go back to our old relationship. I made it clear to Carter that we have to make things better before getting married again. So, I’ve agreed to go to couples counseling with him.”
Mom’s eyebrow shot up.
“But I’ve told him to start planning the perfect wedding. Well, the perfect wedding for him and the family. If I had my way, we’d go to a justice of the peace. Instead, he wants to hold the ceremony at the country club. If that makes him happy, I’m all for it.”
“Well, it sounds like you two have made progress.” Mom said while gathering the paperwork in front of her and placing it in a folder. “And Mom will be happy. She loves big events, while I’m more like you. Your father and I had an enormous wedding at Sacred Heart Cathedral, and I hated all the fuss. Your first marriage to Carter was ideal in my opinion, but don’t tell him I said that. Let him believe that you and I are thrilled by an elaborate ceremony. It will keep any drama to a minimum.”
My gaze met Mom’s, and we both giggled. “Carter is like the Peanuts character, Pigpen. But instead of dirt following in his wake, it’s over-the-top drama.”
“Oh, darling, I know.” She shook her head. “That’s why he fits in so well with the rest of our family. You and I are the sane lawyers, while they’re…”
“Mom, drama…”
“Are you sure you want to marry him again? Because Carter made you insane, what with all his theatrics. While I always found it amusing, I could tell it wore on your nerves.” Mom rose from her seat and switched off the desk lamp, my cue that this conversation was wrapping up.
“Mom, the marriage isn’t that important to me, but Carter is. Hell, why do you think I agreed to visit Belinda Therapista with him?” I got to my feet and followed Mom into the hallway. “I’ve only met her a few times at the club. While she’s certainly very attractive, she seemed kind of flighty to me. Plus, I only feel comfortable airing my dirty laundry in front of family.”
Mom shut the door and yawned. “Sweetheart, if you feel in your heart that marrying Carter is the right thing for you, then, by all means, do it. But life is short, and poor decisions can lead to a lifetime filled with regret.” Mom placed her hands on my shoulders. “Now indulge me with a little bit of honesty. Do you love Carter enough to marry him all over again? Even knowing how tempestuous your relationship can be?
I shut my eyes for a moment and sighed. “Yes. I love him, Mom, more than anything else in the world. If a marriage will make him happy, then we’ll have the biggest wedding Richmond’s ever seen.”
Mom pecked my cheek, then strolled down the hallway to her suite of rooms. When she got to her door, she turned around and smiled. “Carter will once again become a Yates, and you, my precious boy, will marry the love of your life. I wish you much luck and happiness. Goodnight.”
The door shut behind her, and I strolled to the stairs. When I got to the landing, I paused for a moment. “Is getting married again a good thing, or am I setting myself up for more chaos?”
Chapter 18
“Oh yes, Asher.” I mumbled, then my eyes fluttered open, and I realized I was humping the mattress with my morning wood. “Jesus, that was one hell of a dream.” I turned onto my back, then squeezed my erection. Asher was the only man in the world who could turn me on with just a glance of his sapphire-blue eyes. This would be the perfect morning for a little tumble in the sheets before heading to work, but unfortunately for me, I was in this bed alone.
Compared to most people I knew, I was a late bloomer. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was twenty-two, and could count the number of men I’d slept with on one hand. It wasn’t because of a lack of interest in sex. I’d been busy getting my degree, and unlike most of the people I knew, sex was only enjoyable with a man I had feelings for.
Belinda Therapista told me there was nothing wrong with me, that I was a demisexual. At the time, I’d thought, damn, I’m both a homosexual, and a demisexual. How many more categories would I be slotted into? Personally, I hated being labeled, but apparently most people needed labels to help understand themselves better. For me, it was unnecessary. I was Carter Camden-Yates. Oh yeah, just Carter Camden, but not for long.
The alarm on my phone went jangled, so I grabbed it off the nightstand and turned it off. The smell of coffee brewing and bacon made my mouth water. It had to be coming from the kitchen, which meant either my mother broke into my loft, or Georgia was here. Since my mother was allergic to cooking, it had to be Georgia, and I thought she had the day off.
I swung my feet to the floor, stood up, and squeezed my dick again. The bastard didn’t want to go away, and since it had been a few weeks since Asher and I made love last, perhaps I’d better take matters into my right hand. I lay back on the bed, pulled my pajama bottoms down to my knees, and shut my eyes.
“Carter, I made you some breakfast.”
“Damn it.” I whispered. “Be there in a minute!” I called out, then forced myself out of bed. Well, that was definitely Georgia’s voice, so at least the food would be good. I threw on my robe, then shut my eyes and remembered when I lifted a large rock in our yard and discovered slugs for the first time as a kid. The memory of that horrifying moment always worked as an erection killer. A few moments later, I grabbed my phone and typed out a quick message to Asher.
Good morning I love you
If Asher wanted to be courted, I’d court him. Maybe that’s what had been missing in our relationship? The dots next to the message jumped for a moment, then Asher responded.