Page 33 of Suddenly Single
“Honestly, Harry, I don’t care what the associates are doing while working from home, as long as the job gets done.” A lock of hair fell out of Mom’s bun, and she slid it behind her ear. “According to our statistics, they not only did their work, but their quality of life increased. Happy associates make us more money.”
“Excuse me.” The door to my office opened, and my secretary poked her head inside. “Asher, I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’ve got a delivery, and it’s too big to stay out here with me.”
Mom shrugged her shoulders while Harry took an imaginary puff off his cigar. There were nine other partners at my conference table, and I wouldn’t have much space here either. “Whatever it is, place it along the wall somewhere. There’s not enough room.”
“Yes sir.” She opened the door, and a floral scent filled the air as a deliveryman carried a bouquet of red roses inside.
“Oh, how lovely.” Mom smiled. “Put that in the middle of the table.”
The deliveryman did as instructed, then he left without shutting the door. I knew these flowers were from Carter and I itched to read the attached card. Then, the man returned with another bouquet.
“You can put that one on my desk.” I bit my lower lip to keep from giggling like a little boy. After placing it on my desk, he left and returned with another bouquet. Mom’s eyebrows shot toward the ceiling, and Harry rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me sir,” Mom asked. “How many bouquets are there?”
“Oh my God.” I murmured.
“Well now, why don’t we adjourn this meeting until next week. Somebody is feeling the love today, and who are we to…” Mom began, and Harry cut her off.
“We need to settle this remote work thing because…”
“We need to let Asher enjoy his gifts.” Mom shut her laptop and stood. “Harry, I’ll print the pertinent files off for you since you’re allergic to technology. Read the material, and I guarantee you’ll understand the proposal better at next week’s meeting.”
The delivery guy placed the last bouquet on my desk while everyone except Mother left my office. With trembling fingers, I opened the tiny envelope from the first bouquet.
“Are these from Carter?” Mom leaned over and sniffed the flowers.
“Yeah.” I whispered, and I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. “I’m, uh, he…”
“I’ll leave you to enjoy these precious flowers in private.” Mom pecked my cheek and turned toward the door. “Oh, why don’t you invite Carter over to see the rest of us? We miss him terribly.” She said over her shoulder, then shut the door quietly behind her.
I sat behind my desk and swiped at my eyes. “Carter, I love you so damned much.” A tiny sob escaped, and I placed my face in my hands for a moment to calm down. This was exactly what I’d wished for. When Carter and I first started dating, it was me who always sent flowers, organized impromptu trips, and made grand romantic gestures. I always knew he loved me, but…
“Asher, Cort Tyler wants to speak to you.” My secretary’s voice spoke through the intercom. Damn it, what a buzzkill.
“Send him in.”
The door opened and Cort’s mouth fell open. “What is all this?”
“This is how Carter acts when he’s in love.” I winked, and a petty part of me enjoyed his discomfort. “To what do I owe this visit? I thought we’d already handed off your caseload to other associates.”
“Well, I wanted to apologize for my actions. That isn’t how friends should treat each other, and I’m hoping you’ll forgive me.” Cort’s eyes dropped to his feet. I’d already forgiven him, because if he hadn’t behaved the way he did with Carter, we might not be reconciled today.
“It’s in the past, Cort. Is there anything else?”
“You’re my favorite tennis partner, and I was hoping we could continue playing at the club together. Would you be up for it?” He lifted his gaze to mine. I might have forgiven him, but I’d be a fool to ever trust him again. There would be no further tennis dates with my former friend.
“Thanks for the invitation, but my weekends are full.” I murmured, then without another word, Cort left. “Good riddance.” I sat back down, and my cell phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I saw it was Carter.
“I love you.” I said, my heart galloping in my chest.
“Ah, so you got the flowers.” I could hear the smile in Carter’s voice. “I woke up dreaming about you.”
“Oh really?”
“I was hard as a rock, humping the mattress.” He giggled, and suddenly my head was filled with images of Carter, naked underneath me. “It was tempting to take care of it myself, but…”