Page 35 of Suddenly Single
“It’s a full house tonight.” Mary Jane and Lila Brook’s Bentley was parked next to Florida’s minivan, so I pulled up next to it and cut the engine. I opened the car door, grabbed the gift, then thought better of it and left it in the seat. Who knew if I was spending the night or not? Plus, did I really want Asher to open this gift in front of his family?
The door to the tack room opened, and Asher strolled out with the biggest grin on his face. My heart melted, and I opened my arms. He walked into my embrace and squeezed me so tight I thought he’d crush my shoulders.
“Oh baby, you’re a sight for sore eyes.” His baritone voice filled my ear. “I could barely get any work done just thinking of seeing you tonight.”
“I miss…”
“Carter!” Florida’s voice rang out, and I reluctantly let go of my man. She crossed over to us, but instead of hugging me she hit my shoulder. “What the hell are you doing going out with other men? Nobody treats my boy that way.” She put her arm around Asher’s waist and frowned. This was a first. Normally she took my side in any argument.
“I’m truly sorry, Asher.” I rubbed my shoulder. The tiny old woman was much stronger than she looked.
“You ever do anything like that again and I’ll bend you over my knee and give you the punishment you deserve.” She scowled, and I immediately thought of the gift and stared into Asher’s blue eyes. Hopefully, a little spanking would happen later, but with Asher, not Florida.
“I promise to behave.” This was directed at Asher, whose lips twitched.
“Dinner won’t be ready for another hour, and Mrs. Yates is on an important phone call.” Florida stood between us and looped her arms through ours and started walking us toward the house. “The ladies are dying to play cards, but one of you has to fill in for your mother until she’s able to play.”
At the back door she let go of us and led us single file through the tack room and into the kitchen.
“Oh, thank God.” Asher’s grandmother stood by the counter with a plate of brownies in one hand and a martini in the other. “Carter, it’s lovely to see you again. Take these.” She handed me the brownies. “I need you to play with me until my daughter gets off the phone. Come along.” She ordered, and Asher and I followed her.
“Oh Carter, it’s lovely to see you again.” Lila Brooke smiled at me, but it wasn’t the usual open grin I was used to. I glanced up at Asher, and was surprised to see his eyes squarely on me. He winked, then whispered, “They’re all a little bent out of shape about Cort.”
“Shit.” I said aloud, and instantly regretted it.
“Don’t use foul language.” Granny sank into her seat and squinted at me.
“I’m very sorry.” I replied, then sat across the table from her. “It’s been awhile since I played bridge. Hopefully I’ll…”
“I’m off the phone now.” Marjorie strolled into the room wearing a peach colored gown with a matching turban.
“Are you having a Joan Crawford moment, Mom?” Asher cracked, and Marjorie walked over and kissed my cheek.
“I couldn’t do anything with my hair, and since it’s just us, I threw this on.” Marjorie said, and I vacated the seat so she could play cards with the girls. Florida walked in while Mary Jane dealt the first hand.
“Florida, make me a drink please.” Marjorie asked.
“Sure.” Florida strolled around the table checking out everyone’s cards, then went to the bar and started pouring a cocktail. She handed Marjorie a whiskey on the rocks, then turned to everyone else. “Drinks, anyone?”
“I’ll take an iced tea, unsweetened please.” I replied, and all eyes focused on me. Hell, I wanted to spend the night in Asher’s arms, not passed out in a drunken stupor.
“Florida, I would love a soda water with a wedge of lime.” Asher said.
“What the hell?” Granny picked up a brownie. “You two are acting peculiar.”
Asher put his arm around my shoulder. “We have plans for later, and don’t want to get sloppy.”
“I’ve never heard you sound so responsible in your life, darling.” Marjorie winked at us. “How delightfully dull. Now, let’s play cards.”
For three hours we watched as the grand old ladies duked it out at bridge, and by the end of the evening Marjorie had to be helped to bed by Florida. Granny and her besties went down to the basement theater to rewatch the hippy movie Hair, leaving me and Asher alone.
Despite the fact we’d been with each other for years, now it felt different. All I wanted in a man was sitting next to me, and if he didn’t want me to stay the night with him, I’d lose my mind. My palms were sweaty, my heart was pounding, and every time I opened myself to say something, the words vanished into thin air.
“So, did you enjoy seeing everyone again?” Asher asked, dipping his head while keeping his blue eyes locked on mine.
“Um, yeah.” I licked my lips.
“They missed you. Well, except for Florida. She’s a little perturbed with you right now.” Asher laid his hand on my knee, and my cock twitched.