Page 40 of Suddenly Single
“Yes, that’s it baby.” Carter smiled, then he pulled most of his shaft out before plunging in to the hilt. My back arched, and I held on to his forearms as he once again pulled almost all the way out, then hammered his cock back inside me. This man, the man I loved with all of my heart, was finally making love to me in a way that made the world disappear. It was just Carter and me, and I never wanted it to stop.
He stopped moving for a minute, and I noticed a sheen of sweat covering his face and chest. Then he leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?” I breathed, and a drop of Carter’s sweat dripped from his nose, hitting my lips.
“For this.” Carter snarled, and he began hammering in and out of me so fast I couldn’t think. Soon the headboard was slamming against the wall, and Carter’s hand gripped my cock. I’d never seen him like this before, so commanding and so masculine. He jerked my cock while pounding me, and I felt pressure building in my groin.
“I can’t believe it, I’m going to come, Carter, swear to God I’m, oh, I’m…” Carter pushed in all the way just as come flew out of my cock, painting my stomach and chest.
“Yes!” Carter shouted, then he went still, and I felt his cock spasm. His entire body shook, and I felt heat inside of me. A moment later, he collapsed. His cock slipped out of me as he pasted himself to my come-and-sweat-slicked torso, struggling to catch his breath.
We lay like that for a long moment, panting while our sweaty bodies slowly returned to normal. I felt his lips against the side of my neck, and realized he was murmuring I love you, over and over again.
“I love you too,” I whispered. “Nobody else but you, Carter.”
“I don’t wanna go.” I heard Carter murmur as he wrapped his body around mine. My eyes fluttered open to see the morning sun rising through the window.
“You don’t want to go where?” I asked, then I felt his warm lips against the back of my neck.
“To work.” He sighed, then pulled me in closer to him. “I have an early appointment with the Southall woman down the street. She’s paying me extra to start the work at her house a week early. The contractors had an opening, so I booked them.”
“Asher! Carter!”
We froze at the sound of Florida’s voice.
“Your Mama wants you two to come to breakfast at the big house.” She was downstairs, and knowing her, she’d cleaned the kitchen instead of allowing her niece to do it.
“Be there in a few minutes!” Carter yelled, and a moment later, we heard the door to the kitchen shut behind her. Carter sat up and turned to me.
“Damn it. Why did we move into this cottage again?”
Chapter 24
“We have to make this fast.” Carter said as we got out of our cars. We both drove since I had to go to the office, while he had work too. Thankfully, Lila Brooke and Mary Jane’s Bentley wasn’t here, so we only had to deal with family.
When we entered the house, my stomach growled. Whatever Florida had cooked smelled amazing. As soon as we entered the kitchen, she ran up and gave me a hug, then gave Carter the side eye.
“What? No hug for me?” Carter tilted his head toward her.
“Not until you’re legally married again. Gotta make sure you’re not sleeping around behind Asher’s back.” She shooed us out of the kitchen, and when we reached the dining room, Granny was at the table alone.
“Where’s Mother?” I pulled out a seat, then opened the newspaper next to it. Carter sat next to Granny, who beamed at him.
“Marjorie will be down any minute. So, you spent the night together.” She winked. “Does that mean I can…”
“Darlings, it’s lovely to see you two smiling again.” Mother strolled in wearing a charcoal-gray power pantsuit. She only wore them when she had to appear in court. Mom said she was sick of lawyers and judges paying more attention to her legs than to her arguments. I think she got the idea from Hillary when she ran for president. They were old friends, and Mom had helped with her campaign in Virginia. “So, what’s on your agenda today?”
Carter rolled his eyes. “Beverly Southall from down the street. She hounded me to get her job done early, so as soon as I’m done eating, I’m driving over to make sure the contractor gets everything right.”
“Ew. Beverly, that stuck up woman. Does she still have that bottle-blonde bouffant?” Granny shook her head. “The woman has had the same hairstyle since 1972.”
“Yes, it’s an unfortunate look, Mother.” Mom said, then Florida entered the room, pushing a cart full of food. She placed a frosted glass in front of Mom, and God only knew what was in it. Florida then heaped my plate full of pancakes, sausage, and a biscuit smothered in gravy. She didn’t bother with Carter’s plate. I glanced over at him, and he was suppressing a grin. It was nice being in Florida’s good graces for a change.
“As I was saying earlier, now that things are better between the two of you, Asher, can we plan a wedding?” Granny eyed me, then turned to Carter. He shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess so?” I shrugged my shoulders too. We hadn’t mentioned the wedding in a while, and though we were working through our problems, I decided to let Carter deal with the marriage question.