Page 23 of Christmas Souls
"You did what you thought was right with the resources you had available to you. Stop apologizing and stop feeling that you're a failure. You're not. You made a mistake. Now, it's time to move on from it. And I'm hoping that you'll want to do it by my side."
She falls into my arms and hugs me tight. I hear someone clear their throat in the office next to the jail cell, and I let go of my beautiful girl. We say our goodbyes, and I lie back down on the cot until someone tells me my brothers have posted bail for me.
Mayor Douchebag is pushing for the hearing to be as soon as possible, but I've got more important things to do right now. I'm going to look for my girl and make her mine.
Chapter 10
Iwent to Michael's house after seeing him at the police station. He's got a hideaway key on the front porch, and I let myself in. After making a meal for him with the ingredients at hand, I laid down on his couch and fell asleep.
Warm hands nudged me from my stupor, and I looked up to see Michael's beautiful blue eyes sparkling like sapphires.
"Hey, what are you doing here? I was looking for you all over town."
"I wanted to make you a home-cooked meal for when you got out, and I just missed you, I guess."
He kneels in front of me and places his hand on my cheek. It's warm and soft and I just want to lean on it and stay like thisforever. He's staring at me, and I try to look away, but he doesn't let me. He squeezes my hand and says my name softly.
"I love you, Mandy."
"Oh, god, Michael…"
"I want strings, Mandy."
"Stop it!"
"I want everything with you."
Tears start rolling down my cheeks, and I can't stop them. This is too much. This man is too good for me. How do I even deal with this when I'm still mired in shame?
"You have to forgive yourself, Mandy. Promise me you'll work on that for me."
I nod and he wipes my tears with a handkerchief that I don't know where he got. He sits down beside me and puts his arms around me. Finally! This is what I need right now. I need him and his comfort. The way only he knows how to give to me.
"We need to talk about Jensen Buchanan."
"Is he going to come after me, do you think?" My voice shakes.
"I don't think the mayor has had a chance to call him. But we need to settle that debt, baby."
"Yes, once the house sells…"
"No, we need to do it now. I Have a couple of contacts in New York that I think can help us negotiate things with Buchanan. Do you trust me?"
"Of course, I trust you, Michael. Where are we getting the money, though?"
"Do. You. Trust. Me?"
We hug again, and we stay like that for the longest time. Then we eat, and at night, we make love, trade words of love, and share dreams of the future. If we can really get this debt put behind me, I can forge a new life with Michael in it.
They text Michael that his hearing is the next day, early in the morning. We get ready together and go to the courthouse. It seems like everyone in town heard what happened and is here in this courtroom. Michael goes to sit next to his lawyer, and I find a seat next to one of Michael's brothers.
Ben leans close to me and tells me that it’s the same judge who let him go after hitting the mayor. I raise my eyebrows at how he says it, like he's proud. The mayor shows up in a wheelchair and looks pretty bad. He's got one of those neck braces on and has someone wheeling him inside the courtroom.
The whole courtroom reacts to his appearance and the judge has to give a few threats until everyone is silenced. Michael's lawyer is fast and provides the statements that both Michael and I signed. He pleads for a little discretion when my statement is presented, and the judge grants it.