Page 1 of Christmas Hearts
Ana Maria
Ican't believe I just slapped Justin Hoffer, the guy I've been crushing on for the last five years. It just made me so mad when he told me he'd pay me to get married. Who does he think I am? Okay, I may have overreacted, but those were not the words I expected to come out of his mouth.
His family was not around to see me hit him, thankfully, but they are still inside the library looking for books for little Daisy, Justin's daughter. I open and close my right hand and wonder where that slap came from. I'm not a violent person.
I remember the first time I saw Justin in town. I was just out of college and hoping to get hired by the town's library. I knew thecurrent librarian was close to retiring – we'd kept in touch – and the job was almost a sure thing.
Justin always came into the library with his daughter to look at picture books. They would sit in the kid’s area, and he'd let her explore, always making sure she knew books were precious and to take care with them. He never raised his voice at her, and there was always giggling to be heard from where I was sitting at the front desk.
It tugged at my heartstrings because I've always wanted a family, and through some stroke of bad luck, it wouldn't be easy for me to get pregnant if I was able to at all. I know it's wrong to want what you cannot have, but my heart aches when I see sweet families like this.
The man in question left a few minutes ago and I don't know how to feel about the cupcake he left for me earlier. How do you just blurt out to someone that you want to marry them? He's never asked me out on a single date. He's never even flirted with me.
He's been the quintessential gentleman throughout all the years we've known each other. So that's why I thought it was a joke the first time he said it. Then he said it again with that little addendum. Here's the thing. I would LOVE to marry Justin Hoffer and have a family with him.
The problem is, I'd sort of had all these ideas in my head. He'd finally come to his senses and start flirting with me, and then he'd announce he was going to court me. After the proper amount of time – I thought maybe about a year – he'd propose, and then we'd live happily ever after.
But no. He wants to pay me to become his wife. How romantic. Not. You know what? I'm glad I slapped him. And if he tries to propose again, I'll punch him straight in the nose.
Having figured that out in my head I go back to my duties as the librarian of the Woodland Falls Library.
Chapter 1
Ana Maria
The day has been slow, but Justin is already here. Shouldn't he be preparing for Christmas? We have a Christmas Mixer tonight, and I'm going with my friend Mandy, who just recently arrived in town. Something isn't right with her, but I want her to settle in at my house before I ply her with a million questions.
Justin came in today like it was any other day. He said hello to me and told me he was continuing his work on the children's section of the library. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out, so I just shut it and nodded in agreement.
I don't even know why I bother. Justin never asks the library's board if he can do any repairs or renovations. He just does them.The board doesn't care because he donates the materials and the labor. It's a little unsettling having him here so often, though.
Have I mentioned he's hot? Like really hot? Dark blond hair, almond-colored eyes, and over six feet tall. He's in great shape – I swear I only peeked once – and I've never heard any rumors of him dating anyone in town.
Honestly, that's a red flag. It's been eight years since his wife died. I guess he's devoted to his daughter and his job. Oddly enough, his work at the company he has with his brothers is all behind-the-desk administrative work. I heard his mother say once she was glad he was getting out of the office by helping out at the library.
Justin's daughter and his mother have already been here for the day. The family has instilled a love for books in Daisy and they come in often to drop off books and get new ones. She's so smart, and now that she's eight she's reading middle-grade books, which has opened a whole new world to her.
I've started making lists of recommendations for her, and she's always polite and thanks me for them. As she’s grown older, we talk more and more, and I've come to care for her a lot. If only her father would look at me as more than a librarian.
I guess he already does—I mean if he thought of me as someone he could marry. The library door opens, and someone I don't see every day comes in.
"Hello there, beautiful."
I look up with a polite smile. “Oh, is there anything I can do to help you, Mayor?"
"I was wondering if…"
A strong voice interrupts the mayor mid-sentence.
"I need more materials. I'll be right back, or do you need me to stay?"
Justin eyes the mayor warily and gives me a questioning look. The mayor has a reputation for not being very nice or actuallybeingtoonice to the ladies in town. I can handle myself, so I tell him to go. A frown forms on his forehead, and he looks menacingly at the mayor. The mayor doesn't seem to care one way or the other.
Finally left by myself with the mayor I urge him to state his business.
"Do you want me to do something about that Hoffer fellow? I think he's been working here for the last five years. I will check on the records to see if he’s even employed here."