Page 3 of Christmas Hearts
I immediately see red. He did this. He convinced the board to keep me away from Ana—I mean, the library. I want to punch him, but his face is still mottled from when Ben hit him before Christmas.
"Why do you care what I do in the library?"
"You do not need to be there. Plus, I think it's time you stop sniffing under Miss Gonzalez's skirts."
I move to grab him, but my brother Danny steps in between us. I didn't hear him come in. Danny's hand squeezes my shoulder, and I relax a tiny bit.
"Okay, you've done your gloating. Time for you to go." Danny says.
"I'll see myself out."
He struts like a peacock—as if he's someone important in Woodland Falls. He might be the mayor, but more and more people are recognizing what a scumbag he is. As soon as I see him get in his car from my window I turn to my brother Danny.
"Get everyone in here."
Technically, I'm the youngest, but I've been running the business since its inception, so when I say get everyone together, my brother hurries to do my bidding. In less than thirty minutes all the Hoffer brothers are in my office.
"What happened?" Ben, the oldest, asks.
"The mayor convinced the library board to keep me from volunteering there any longer."
"Why would he do that?"
"In general, to mess with us. More specifically, I think he's interested in Ana Maria."
"You know you need to ask her out on a date," Michael says.
I ignore that and announce, "I have a plan. I want to run for mayor of Woodland Falls. Would you guys support me if I decide to do that?"
"That's a lot of work for someone that already has a job," Ben says.
"I can handle it, Ben. I've created processes and operating procedures for the business. I have a lot of free time to myself."
"Which you usually spend doing repairs and renovations at the library," Michael says. "Dude, just ask the girl out for a date."
"That's where Ana comes in. I'm a single father, and my campaign might look better if I had a wife."
I hear cursing all around me, but I stand my ground.
"What would Dad say if he were here?" Ben asks me.
"Why would you ask me that?"
"I just want to make sure you are thinking clearly. Do you really want to run for office?"
I think I understand the point my brother Ben is making, but my head is full of conflicting thoughts right now.
"I think Woodland Falls deserves better than Gene Mitchell as a mayor."
"It's a lot of work, Justin," Danny says.
"Do I look like I'm scared of hard work? We built this business together. You know I can hold my own."
"I know that, but if you win, you'll have two jobs plus a daughter to raise. It's a lot." Danny says.
"I thought you guys would have my back."
"We do, Justin. We're just worried you're doing this for the wrong reasons."