Page 6 of Christmas Hearts
Shock goes through my system because he's not joking at all. He's completely serious.
"Let's take this one step at a time. You want to run for mayor?"
"Yeah. Mayor Mitchell hasn't been doing a great job for the past couple of years, and I think it’s time someone ran against him. The municipal elections are a couple of months from now, and I can run against him."
"Is this something you have wanted for a long time?"
"I think I can help Woodland Falls."
"So this is new. Does your family have a feud with the mayor?"
"It's complicated. I need your help, Ana."
There's that word. Need. I want him to need me. My life would be complete if I accepted this proposal. Where's the romance, though? I want flowers, candy, and hand-holding. I'm not sure those things are included in Justin's plan.
"We hardly know each other, Justin."
"I've seen you every day at the library since you started working there."
"Yes, and we've said hello, good morning, good afternoon, and other pleasantries. You've told me every day what you are fixing or restoring at the library, but we've never had a real conversation."
"I'd like to change that."
"Then ask me out on a date already!"
I'm starting to get angry at his stupid man. Why does he have to make everything so complicated?
His hand moves across the table to lay against mine.
"I think you'd make a wonderful wife and mother to my daughter. Daisy cares about you so much already. All she does when she comes home is tell me about what you guys talk about whenever she goes to the library."
That beautiful vision of us as a family starts to invade my thoughts. Could I be a mother to that lovely little girl? Can I make a life with Justin? I try to shake myself because this is not how to start a relationship.
"Why me, Justin?"
"Because you're amazing. I see how you treat people and how diligent you are about your job. Your eyes shine with curiosity whenever someone asks for help, and you do everything in your power to ensure the library assists as many people in our community as possible."
I'm surprised that he has taken notice of me and my work and feel just a little bit flattered. Is it enough, though?
"There are two different issues we're dealing with here. Actually, three, I think. You running for mayor, you being my husband and me being your daughter's mother."
He nods as if everything I'm saying is making sense. I'm not sure it is. His hand is still on top of mine and I'm a little giddy at that link between us. I can feel the warmth of his body where we're touching and my heart flutters a little bit in response.
"Tell me more, Ana. Tell me you'll help me."
"I'll be your campaign manager. I believe you could help this town more than the current mayor. It's my first time doing something like this, so you'll need to be patient with me."
"You're going to do great. People want a change. They're ready for it."
"Now, let's talk about the other two things."
"Will you marry me?"
"Will you stop proposing to me, Justin."
"I know what I want."
"I'm sure you do, but you must know this is not the ideal way to go about this. Not for me, at least."