Page 129 of Broken Saint
“It was my personality,” I deadpan, making him bark out a laugh.
“It was more his ball skills,” Ella adds, making him howl.
Fuck. This girl.
“Is that for us?” I grunt, reaching out for the large paper bag in his hand.
“Sure is,” he agrees, looking between the two of us happily. “You guys go and enjoy your night.”
“Don’t worry, we plan to,” I say, snatching up the bag and placing it gently on Ella’s lap before passing over some cash.
“Good luck Sunday, man. I’ll be watching you kick West’s ass.”
I laugh. “That’s the spirit. Those Chiefs are going down.”
Before Luis has had a chance to back up, I lift the window and put the truck into drive.
As fun as a little banter might be with him, I have hot tacos and an even hotter girl who needs my attention.
“He was fun,” Ella says as I shoot down the street.
“Yeah, Luis is good people.”
“Known him long?”
“Went to school together,” I confess.
“Aw,” Ella muses.
“I’d love to know more about little Colt. I bet you were a pain in the ass.”
“Hey,” I complain.
“What? Are you going to tell me that you were a good boy? Convince me that you were the teacher’s pet?”
I scoff.“It would be nice to be given the opportunity to.”
“Oh shush.” She laughs. “You’re a bad boy, Colt. Always have been, always will be.”
“Yeah, well. You know what they say about bad boys, right?”
“I’ve heard a thing or two,” she mutters.
I take a left turn before pressing my foot harder on the gas and flying down the street.
“Like how they know to take you for a wild ride?”
“Oh my god, Colt.”
“Tell me it’s not true. You like riding with me.”
“Christ.” She laughs.
“Come on. Best ride of your life, right?”
“Arrogant much?”