Page 146 of Broken Saint
My heart thumps against my ribs at the thought of officially making her mine. “It hasn’t even been a week yet,” I argue.
“Colt, let’s be honest, it’s been years. You’ve wanted her since the very first moment you laid eyes on her. Time doesn’t matter when it’s right.”
“I think we’ve both got some things to work through before we do anything too serious.”
“She’s staying though, right?”
“Yeah,” I agree. “She is. Fuck, West. She’s moving her entire life for me.”
“I’m only reading between the lines here, but I’m not sure she had a life to move. She was miserable in Texas. Her boyfri—” He cuts himself off when I growl angrily. “Exactly. She belongs here. She always has.”
I shake my head again, still barely able to believe that we’re here having this conversation.
“Enjoy it. You deserve it. Both of you do. Just…make sure I’m best man, yeah?”
I bark out a laugh. “One fucking step at a time. Come on, time is running out before I get to kick your ass again.”
“You’d be so fucking lucky,” he scoffs.
“I’ve got my girl in the crowd; there’s no fucking way I’m losing.”
I mess up his hair like I used to when we were kids as we leave the bathroom and head back to the table.
The plates had been cleared away when we get there, and when I check the time, I discover that I was right. Our night’s quickly running away with us.
All of us are expected to be locked away for an early night by ten-thirty. The coaching staff will be checking for compliance, and none of us are stupid enough to miss it.
Abandoning our table, we make ourselves comfortable on a series of couches in the bar, the place where Kane and Luca traditionally leave their girls to enjoy their night while we all go to bed.
I never really thought about what it might be like having to leave them down here. I’ve never had a girl while playing professionally that I’d want to spend the night before a game with. But knowing that I’m going to be leaving Ella with Letty and Peyton tonight…that when I run out onto the field tomorrow she’s going to be in the stands watching, cheering me on…fuck…it’s everything.
Letty orders the girls a round of daiquiris, and long before I’m ready, Luca wraps his hand around my shoulder and leans down to tell me that it’s time.
My heart sinks. But as I turn to look at Ella, who’s laughing at something Macie just said, I realize that she needs this.
She’s relaxed, free. Happy.
“I gotta go, Bombshell,” I whisper in her ear.
Her bottom lip curls out in a pout.
“Do not give me that look,” I warn.
Her eyes are bright, thanks to the laughter and series of cocktails she’s been working her way through tonight.
The last thing I want to do is leave her. But I don’t have a choice.
“We’re out,” West says as he, Brax and Leon break away from their conversation. “Gotta rest up to beat your sorry asses tomorrow.”
“What the fuck ever,” Kane mutters, pushing to his feet after giving Letty a kiss.
The guys continue riling each other up, but I’ve got no interest in it. My attention is solely on my girl.
“Walk me to the elevator?” I ask.
I desperately want to ask her to walk me to my room, but I know that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from dragging her inside.
“Sure,” she says, a lazy smile pulling across her lips.