Page 29 of Broken Saint
“There is nothing to figure out. We’ve always been nothing,” I argue.
The irritating pair share another look as Letty takes the exit toward her incredible house.
Thankfully, the conversation changes, albeit slightly, and they focus on the game and how the guys played before turning their attention to Sunday’s game against the Chicago Chiefs. The game I was initially invited here to watch.
My cell buzzes in my pocket. I turned it on while Letty was talking to Kane earlier and finally called Mom to let her know where I was. There were messages from Chad, but I haven’t read them. I’m not sure I will.
Pulling it free, I look down at the screen and smile. It’s as if he knew I was thinking about him.
I can’t help but laugh at his name. He saved it in there on our first day as freshmen and it’s remained ever since. A reminder that I really never need about the size of that boy’s ego.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: YOU’RE IN SEATTLE!
Ella: Well, gossip sure does spread fast, huh?
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: Pfft, no one tells me shit. Saw you in the crowd at the end of the game. Big bro wasn’t expecting that, was he?
A loud groan rips from my throat, making both Letty and Peyton look back at me.
“You okay?”
“West,” I say, holding up my cell. “Some idiot with a camera apparently caught the whole thing.”
“Oh my god. Are you serious?” Letty gasps.
“Oh, I hope they got a close-up of Colt’s face,” Peyton says, immediately diving into her own cell, searching for the evidence.
“Let’s hope not, eh? The last thing I need is for the media to pick up on this and make me public enemy number one for stealing the playboy’s attention for even a second. Will you two stop doing that?” I snap when they do that know-all look again.
Back in the day, I’d have been the one sharing that look with Letty.
My phone buzzes again, thankfully distracting me from my depressing, lonely thoughts.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: When you see him, smack him upside the head for being a cock. He deserves it.
A small smile twitches at my lips.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: Tell me you’re staying in Seattle for our game. I miss you
Ella: I haven’t made any plans. Being here was a bit of a last-minute thing.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: What happened?
Ella: If I’m still here this weekend, I’ll tell you everything. But just know, I’m finally free and single…if you wanted to take your shot.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: In a fucking heartbeat, you know that baby girl. But I want to live to see a few more games yet. AND some of us took that pact seriously.
A weird mix of fondness and pain twists up my heart as I think about more of our college gang.
Ella: Whatever. Water under the bridge.
The girl who smashed that friendship pact all those years ago is long gone.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: Enjoy celebrating tonight and I’ll see you this weekend, YES???
Ella: We’ll see.
Weston Motherfuckerfucking Rogers: Just tell me how much it’ll cost to keep you there and I’ll wire it in a heartbeat.