Page 7 of Broken Saint
“Ben, it’s no?—”
“None of my business,” he says, lifting his bubbly hands from the sink and holding them up in surrender.
“You’d like him if you got to know him better,” I mutter, walking toward the doorway to say goodbye to Mom.
Benny speaks up again before I disappear from his sight.
“Go to Seattle, El. You won’t regret it.”
I spin around, my eyes locked on him.
“How did you—Mom.” I sigh.
“They’re your friends, Ella. Your family,” he urges.
I let my shoulders drop, my eyes meeting the old worn wooden floor at my feet.
“You’re better than this place. Than him. Get out there and rediscover who you really are.”
With those ominous words of advice from my baby brother, I spin and march away, the crack in my heart deepening with every step I take.
“I love you, El-bel,” he calls.
“You too, Benny-boo.”
Mom studies me with the same concerned eyes she has all afternoon. And after promising her once again that I’m fine, I make my way out of the house.
Chad ordered dinner to his office, and while I might not be hungry, I’ll accept his invite. And maybe see if there’s anything I can do to help so that he can get home at a decent time tonight.
The drive from Mom’s to the dealership is fast. The roads are deserted; almost everyone is at home getting ready for tonight’s game. Probably the exact thing Benny did the second I left.
The lights are out; the main dealership closed, but Chad’s car is still out front.
Pulling up next to it, I grab my purse and head around to the door at the rear of the building.
I find a rock propping it open, either for me or our imminent dinner delivery, and I slip inside.
The building is quiet, and I picture Chad sitting behind his desk, his hair a mess from the number of times he’s run his fingers through it as he’s battled with the computer system that crashed yesterday afternoon and caused such drama.
He tried explaining it to me when he got home at some point after midnight last night, but I was half asleep and he was half dead, so I told him to try again this morning. But by the time I woke up, he was already gone, just a note left behind promising to be at Mom’s for her birthday dinner.
His desk will be a shitshow, even more so than usual. Probably covered in takeout coffee cups and empty energy drinks.
A noise hits my ears, but I don’t think anything of it as I reach for the door handle of his office.
It’s already open, so I only have to push it wider to find Chad.
And holy crap on a cracker, do I find him.
My eyes widen and my chin drops when my gaze lands on his toned ass clenching as he thrusts into…
His boss.
My hand flies up, covering my mouth, but I’m unsure if it’s to hold in the scream that wants to rip from my throat or to stop myself from throwing up.