Page 90 of Broken Saint
My entire body was trembling and I was pretty sure I was going to vomit all over my feet, knowing that he was on his way. Letty knew it too. I’d be tempted to say that she was about thirty seconds from running to grab a bucket.
“Chill, girl,” Kane said from where he was lounging on the couch with Kyan. “He is going to lose his shit when he sees you. Trust me.”
His words should have helped. I guess, in a way, they did. But nothing would quell the riot of fear and lack of confidence until I saw his reaction.
I look better than I have in a very long time, but my opinion wasn’t enough. I needed to see his eyes as he took me in. I needed to see that desire that he used to be consumed by when I’d made an effort for a party.
And fuck, did I get it.
The instant Colt’s hands cup my face and his lips brush mine, everything falls away.
“Jesus, Bombshell,” he groans, cooling our kiss but not removing his lips from mine.
When I open my eyes, I find him staring down at me with that desire simmering in his dark depths. In fact, his pupils are so blown they’re almost entirely black.
“Hey,” I say like a nervous teenage girl heading out on her very first date. I kick myself immediately for being so stupid.
“Hey yourself.” His thumb brushes over my cheek before his hand shifts, allowing him to run the pad over my swollen bottom lip. Thank fuck for the long-lasting lipstick Letty insisted I bought earlier. “Been thinking about you all day,” he muses.
“He’s not lying,” Kane pipes up, letting us know that he’s eavesdropping. “You should have seen him dragging his ass in the gym.”
“Bro, not cool,” Colt grunts, finally releasing me. He might take a step back, but he doesn’t break our connection. Instead, he wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me into his side.
“Truth hurts, man. I remember it well. Spending my every waking moment thinking about when I could get back inside my girl.”
“Romantic,” Letty calls, her footsteps getting louder behind us until she emerges with a fruity-looking drink in each hand and a sippy cup tucked under her arm.
“You know you loved it,” Kane teases.
“Sure had its benefits,” she mutters, abandoning both of their drinks and sweeping Kyan into her arms.
The second his eyes land on what I assume is warm milk ready for bed, he makes adorable little grabby hands for it.
“Are you two going out or spending the night here?” Letty asks, glancing between the two of us as she settles back with Kane, Kyan snuggled in her arms.
“We’re going,” Colt says. “Don’t expect her back until morning.”
“Don’t worry, she’s packed a bag this time. Plenty of panties in case you ruin more.”
“Let,” I hiss, my cheeks blazing while Colt chuckles, his intense stare burning the top of my head.
I’m pretty sure I’ve blushed more with him in the last twenty-four hours than I did during our entire time together at MKU.
“Glad you’re prepared, Bombshell. I didn’t have any intentions of doing the right thing and bringing you home tonight.” His voice is deep and spoken so close to my ear, I feel the vibration of it all the way to my toes.
My skin tingles with the promise of what’s to come.
I’m going on a real-life date with Colton Rogers…
There’s something I never thought I would get a chance to say.
Colton ushers me out of the house as if it’s on fire behind us, leaving Letty and Kane laughing at his eagerness to get me alone.
“Anyone would think you missed me,” I muse as he helps me up into the truck with his burning hands around my waist.