Page 154 of Cash
“Amen to that.” Cash touches his finger to the brim of his hat.
It’s an obscenely beautiful, obscenely sexy gesture that has both Mom and me blushing like idiots.
“Well, y’all drive safe,” Mom says.
Cash holds up that same finger. “Hang tight, Aubrey. I have something for you.”
Turning to rummage through the back seat, he emerges a minute later with a Walgreens bag in his hand.
I smile at him. We were there for hours last night.
“What’s this?” Mom asks, taking the bag from my boyfriend.
Cash curls an arm around my waist. “Copies of Garrett’s pictures. Thought you might want them.”
Staring into the bag, Mom blinks. I can tell by the way her chin ducks out that she’s trying not to cry.
I let the tears fall freely. “It was Cash’s idea.”
“That’s”—Mom swallows, still looking down—“so thoughtful. Thank you.”
Cash chuckles. “Of course. Can we hug it out now, or…”
Mom laughs. “Yes. Yes, I’d like that.”
Which is how the three of us end up hugging each other multiple times in the middle of the street on a Sunday morning.
Pulling back, I look at Mom. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. Really. I’ll miss you like crazy, but I’ll survive.”
Cash is at my elbow now, his hand on the small of my back. “I know you’re not Hartsville’s biggest fan, Aubrey, but you’re welcome to visit us on the ranch anytime. We’d love to have you.”
Mom nods, her eyes bouncing between us. “Maybe one day. I’m excited to see what y’all do with the place.”
Funny she mentions that. Ever since Cash surprised me with the plans he drew up for a studio by the river, I’ve been thinking nonstop about what else we could do with the ranch.
In particular, what else we could do with Rivers Ranch. Cash is doing everything he can to make my dreams come true. It’s only fair I return the favor.
My heart is full as Mom pulls me in for one last hug.
My heart spills over when she pulls Cash in for one more hug too.
“See y’all soon.” She smiles. “And send me updates on the studio. It’s going to be beautiful.”
“So Cash has four brothers.”
I smile at Wheeler’s not-so-subtle question as I guide the ATV away from the river and back toward the New House. “Yes.”
“And they’re all tall.”
“And they have blue eyes.”
“Andthey’re cowboys.”