Page 156 of Cash
Cash laughs. “Here, let me introduce you to my brothers. I told them to be on their best behavior, but they don’t listen to me so apologies in advance.”
I decide to wait until after dinner to make my announcement. Sitting in between Duke and Goody, I tuck into the most delicious pork tenderloin and mashed sweet potatoes and sip inky, dark red wine while we talk about everything and nothing.
Cash’s foot finds mine underneath the table. His eyes dance with mischief. The man is forever finding ways to touch me. Tease me.
I love it.
Just like I love coming together this way every night for supper. Sharing a meal with the people I adore is the loveliest way to bookend the day. Growing up, Mom and I wouldusually eat dinner together at a restaurant. But in boarding school and then at college, I never really found a great dinner crew. Wheeler had a lot of late afternoon and early evening classes in college, so she wasn’t around a ton at that time of day.
Now I have found my crew, and it’s kind of the best thing ever.
Goody gently elbows me as she cuts her pork. “I’m so glad you decided to stay on the ranch, Mollie.”
I nod, sipping my wine. “Guess Dad’s stipulation worked, huh?”
Goody raises a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think Dad did it on purpose? Brought me back to the ranch because he knew I’d end up staying?”
Goody thinks on this for a minute, chewing, before she answers. “He remembered you loving the animals when you were little. He told me so many stories about how quickly you learned to ride. He was sad you didn’t keep it up.”
“He knew I’d never come back on my own.” I’m ashamed to admit that, but no use hiding it now. “So he forced me to.”
“He did.” Goody wipes her mouth on her napkin. “I didn’t always agree with Garrett, but he was ultimately a good man with a good heart. What he did came from a place of decency. He loved the land so much, Mollie. I think he didn’t want you to miss out on that.”
My throat feels tight as I finish my wine. A little liquid courage never hurt anyone, right? “Not gonna lie, I hated him at first for forcing me to come here.”
“And now?” Goody glances at Cash, who’s busy chatting up Wheeler.
I smile. “I don’t hate him anymore.”
I think I’ll always have complicated feelings about my relationship with Dad. I’m sad I missed out on so much. I’m angry he let me. Yes, I had a part in that, but he was ultimately the adult in the room.
I’m angry at myself for adopting my mother’s assumptions and prejudices as my own.
But all that anger—all the sadness and regret and pain—it makes this moment so much sweeter. I can appreciate life now in a way I never could before I came to the ranch.
I camethis closeto losing out on all of this, but I didn’t.
I camethis closeto washing my hands of the will and Dad and Cash, but I didn’t.
Now here I am, about to propose joining forces with Cash.
I hope Dad would be proud. It’s a huge risk, but I’ve learned those are the kind of risks you absolutely have to take if you want to create any kind of magic in your life.
What I have with Cash is magic.
Clearing my throat, I stand up. “Hey, y’all, if I could have your attention for a second, that’d be great.”
Wyatt glances at me, his lips curling into a knowing smile. “I like the sound of this.”
“What’s up, honey?” Cash asks.
He’s so shameless about calling me that in front of everyone these days. Even now, weeks after he started doing it, I feel myself smiling.
Wheeler holds up a fist.You got this.
I dig my laptop out of its protective sleeve. Opening it, I cradle it in the crook of my bent arm. “I’ve been working on a little something that I wanted to run by y’all. Well, specifically, I wanted to get Cash’s opinion on it, but the rest of you are welcome to chime in, too, since it involves everyone.”