Page 128 of Wyatt
“He’s right.”
“He’s not though!”
My pulse seizes at her sudden outburst. I don’t know what to do or say, so I just cup her face in my hands and thumb away her tears as she speaks.
“He’s not right,” she says, a little calmer. “I just—I can’t leave you, Wyatt. I won’t.”
“What if I come with you?”
Her eyes bulge. Everything inside me heaves. Maybe she was ready to hear that I loved her, but she’s not ready to hear I’d drop everything—my family, my job, my plans for the future—to be with her.
But then a small smile breaks out on her face. “You’d do that?”
“Stupid question.”
“That’s…wow. One hell of a gesture.”
“I’m one hell of a boyfriend.”
“All you need to do is ask, Sunshine. I’d say yes in a heartbeat.”
I wait for her to ask as she studies my face, smile fading. I can see her wheels turning, the little divots between her brows a dead giveaway that she’s deep in thought.
At last, she says, “But you have to stay, Wyatt. You belong here.”
“Not if you’re somewhere else.”
Her eyes go soft. “I want to stay, Wyatt.”
My heart riots. I want that too. So bad that it hurts. But shehas to go back to Ithaca. I won’t let her give up the job she’s worked her whole life for.
I won’t be the reason she lives a small life in a small town when she could make a big difference somewhere else.
I choose my words carefully. “I’ll figure something out, okay?”
She twines our fingers. “We’llfigure it out. Now that we’re finally on the same team, let’s not fuck it up.”
But later, when we’re making love in the dark, I find myself wondering how I can already miss her when she isn’t even gone yet. Because Sallyisleaving. She has to.
I just have to figure out a way to convince her to let me come with her.
I’mdead asleep when my phone rings.
Opening my eyes, I can’t see a damn thing. The darkness is inky-black, complete.
I know before I even pick up my phone that it’s Dad calling. The only numbers I don’t silence overnight are Dad’s, Mom’s, and Wyatt’s.
“You up, Sunshine?” Wyatt asks sleepily beside me.
“I’m up. Sorry.”