Page 147 of Wyatt
“Don’t gotta ask me twice,” Duke says, elbowing past me.
I hold out my hand to Sally. “Our sunset awaits.”
Smiling, she walks toward me and takes my hand. “No one I’d rather ride with than you.”
“I think you just mean ride,” Sawyer says. “As in there’s no one you’d rather ride, period.”
I roll my eyes. “Seriously?”
But Sally just laughs.
Tuckingmy hair behind my ears, I take a deep, steadying breath and recite the lines I’ve practiced a thousand times over the past few weeks.
I’ve researched the barrel racing circuit, and I feel that I can help you build a world-class competitive training program that would truly put the Wallace Ranch on the map.
In addition to veterinary services, I can help create training regimens that would ensure the safety of racers and their horses while also promoting top-notch performance in the arena and beyond.
Yes, I’m willing to travel. And, yes, I have a cowboy friend who’s particularly skilled in all things related to riding and who would be more than happy to lend a hand whenever we need it.
Yes, that cowboy has a brother who also happens to be a single parent if you’re interested in making a new friend yourself.
I’m seated in the Wallace Ranch’s swanky new office, a shingled building not far from the enormous arena where I performed that pair of surgeries back in November.
It was only a little over a month ago, but it seems like it was yesterday. Also seems like it was from another lifetime, in the era before Wyatt officially asked me to move in with him.
Before we spent the most joyous fucking holiday season ever together. Seriously, December was one nonstop party. Between us celebrating our decision to stay in Texas, to us celebrating moving in together, to us toasting our very first Christmas tree as a couple, I felt like I was practically swimming in good tidings and cheer.
I also feel like I’ll be celebrating the fact that Wyatt was willing to move to New York with me for the rest of my life. I know how much Texas means to him, and I know he would’ve missed his family terribly. But he was willing to move anyway.
That kind of love will always make me weak in the knees.
Throughout December, my friends—namely Wyatt and Mollie—helped me brainstorm some ideas for the future of my career. I kept coming back to the Wallaces and their budding training program. Their facilities are top-notch, and more importantly, so are the people who work there. Beck and I were able to smooth things over a few weeks back when we ran into each other at The Rattler. I blushed so hard that I was sure my face would catch fire as I explained myself to him, but luckily, he was cool about it. He’s genuinely a good guy, and I have no doubt he’s going to make someone very happy someday.
Now I find myself waiting outside Ava Bartlett’s door at eight a.m. the Monday after New Year’s. A leather folio rests in my lap. Inside, I’ve got several copies of my updated résumé, along with printed references from the professors and surgeons I’ve worked with.
There’s also a letter from Dad. After tempers cooled and I felt like we were on semi-decent footing again, I asked him to write me a recommendation. He had his first therapy appointment just after Thanksgiving, and I know he’s working hard to win back my trust, Wyatt’s too.
Not gonna lie. When I read his recommendation, I cried like a baby. He didn’t hound on my credentials the way hewould in the past, name-dropping the schools I attended or the famous professors I worked with.
Instead, he talked about my “heart-first” approach to veterinary care. How my practice is made richer by the bonds I have with the people around me. He said my technical proficiency is second to none, and so is my bedside manner. I care for animals, and I care for the community they’re a part of too.
As cheesy as that last part was, I had to print out another copy because I cried so hard while reading it that my tears soaked the page.
A door to my left opens, and Ava emerges with a warm smile. “Hey, Sally! So happy to see you. Come on in. Pardon the mess. We just moved into these offices, and I’m still getting settled.”
We sit across from each other at a wide white desk, the two of us exchanging pleasantries for a few minutes before I open my folio.
“Thank you again for meeting with me. I have a proposal I’d like to make.”
Ava nods eagerly. “I’m all ears.”
“I’m just going to dive right in and say that I’d love to be a part of the program you’re building here. I’ve worked plenty with the horses y’all breed, and I’m seriously impressed by what I’ve seen. I believe, with the right people in place, Wallace Ranch has the potential to be a world-class training facility. I’d like to be one of those people.”