Page 95 of Wyatt
Duke raises his eyebrows. “So that’s what y’all call it. Fun.”
“Say another word, and I’ll pop you in the mouth,” Wyatt replies, his eyes still glued to mine. “Sorry they’re heathens.”
“I’m not sorry,” Ryder replies.
“Uncle Wy! Hello! Look, look, Ella made bunny ears!”
We all look up at the happy little shout that sounds by the door. Ella bursts into the kitchen. She’s wearing a paper circlet on her head that’s topped with tall pink-and-white bunny ears.
Wyatt immediately lifts her onto his lap, laughing. “Aren’t we closer to Christmas than Easter?”
“Her class is reading a book about a bunny that likes to listen and follow directions,” Sawyer explains. “Because we like to listen and follow directions, too, right, Ella?”
She just smiles, curling up in Wyatt’s lap. He plucks the ears off her head and puts them on his own head.
“How do I look?” he asks her.
“Cute,” I say, suddenly short of breath.
“A cute doggone idiot,” a voice says.
Glancing over my shoulder, I see Cash step into the kitchen behind Mollie. I’ve been around the ranch long enough to know that they must’ve just come from picking up Ella from school. It’s their way of giving Sawyer a little break during the week. Mollie fell head over heels in love with Ella, so she asked Sawyer if she could get more involved by doing school pickup once or twice a week.
My stomach dips. On our ride this morning, Wyatt told me about Cash confronting him many times about the way Wyatt looked at me in the past. I guess Cash is worried that if things end badly between Wyatt and me, my parents will want nothing to do with Lucky River Ranch.
Again, I understand why Cash is concerned. But I wish people would trust us. Our decision to be together might seem impulsive, but in many ways, this relationship has been years in the making. We waited until the timing was right to make our move. We’re not stupid kids anymore; I’d like to think we know what we’re doing.
Then again, is the timing right, or is it worse than ever? We each have so much at stake now. My career. Wyatt’s family and his plans for the ranch.
Cash’s gaze immediately darts to Wyatt and me. He frowns when he looks down and sees our legs touching on the picnic bench beneath the table.
We don’t need to sit this close. We never have before.
It’s a subtle clue, but it’s a clue nonetheless.
“What’s goin’ on here?” Cash’s voice is little more than a growl.
Wyatt cuts me a glance before handing Ella to Sawyer. “You got a second, Cash?”
I meet eyes with Mollie. I feel a rush of relief when she offers me a small, knowing smile. I haven’t told her yet about the recent developments between Wyatt and me, but I was planning to after we chatted with my parents.
Maybe things will actually work out. Of course this news is going to rock the ranch’s boat. We’re our own little close-knit community here, and change is always difficult, even when it’sgoodchange.
“Outside.” Cash tilts his head back toward the door. “Y’all finish your lunch.”
“I don’t need to get out my spoon, do I?” Mom warns. “Y’all are gonna behave. You know my rule about fights.”
“They’ll behave,” Mollie says easily, patting Cash’s chest. “I have a feeling it’s happy news.”
Wyatt rises, his brow furrowing when I rise too.
“It’s our news,” I say. “We share it together.”
Cash groans. “I love you, Sally, but?—”
“Whatever you say to him, you can say to me too.”
Wyatt’s expression softens with gratitude. He grabs my hand.Thank you.