Page 121 of Ruined
I sneered. “Right, because teaming up with the Bratva always ends well. Brilliant plan.”
Angelo stepped forward, crouching so his face was level with mine. “That’s where you’re wrong. We made a deal. A piece of the estate for their help in getting you out of the way. Easy money, and all we had to do was get you to cooperate.”
I held his gaze. “You think money will save you when this goes south?”
Enzo’s eyes narrowed. “It’ll work out fine if you play nice. Just sign a few things, and we’ll let you go.”
I laughed.
Angelo’s grin faltered. “What’s so funny, Dom?”
“Here’s the thing,” I said, letting every word drip with satisfaction. “I changed my will. Everything goes into a trust for an LGBT runaway youth foundation. Not a dime’s left for either of you. Dad’s estate was about seven million, in case you didn’t know.”
The Bratva creep stepped closer. “We’ll find a way around it. A lawsuit questioning your mental state when you set up that trust.”
Angelo’s lips curled. “Guardianship’s an option. If you’re not fit to handle your affairs…”
A chill shot down my spine. “What, you’re gonna turn me into a vegetable to get what you want?”
Enzo’s expression hardened. “If that’s what it takes, Dom, then yeah. You’re either with us, or we’ll make sure you can’t fight us.”
I glared back. “You think you’re clever, don’t you? Teaming up with these Russian pricks and trying to strong-arm me like I’m some scared little kid. If brains were dynamite, the three of you couldn’t blow your own dicks off.”
Angelo’s grin vanished. Enzo took a step forward, his jaw tight.
“Guardianship? Jesus Christ, you’re desperate. You two dickheads don’t have the balls to take what you want, so you cozy up to the Bratva, hoping they’ll hold your hands through it. Pathetic. You two really are the dumbest assholes in the room. Teaming up with the Bratva is the kind of genius move that gets you both buried in a ditch.”
Angelo’s gaze sharpened. “They’re business partners.”
I barked out a laugh. “They’re using you. The second they don’t need you, you’ll be lucky if they let you crawl away breathing.”
Enzo’s fist slammed into the side of my face, sending a sharp jolt of pain through my skull.
I let my head roll back, laughing. “No wonder Dad hated you both.”
“You son of a bitch!” Angelo snarled, his hand twitching toward his gun.
Bratva Thug stepped between us, shoving Angelo back.
I chuckled, spitting blood onto the floor. “When this falls apart, and it will, they’ll take your heads before they even look in my direction. That’s what you signed up for.Congratulations.”
Enzo’s fist collided with my jaw. The force of the blow sent my head snapping back. Pain exploded in my skull, but I didn’t flinch.
Enzo’s blows came fast, brutal, and relentless. My ribs felt like they were cracking with each hit. Then Angelo stepped forward. He kicked me in the stomach. I gasped, heaving.
Angelo grabbed me by the hair. “Even if I don’t get my money,thiswas worth every minute.”
He threw a punch into my side, followed by another into my gut. I choked. Angelo kicked me again in the ribs, and I went still, my body sinking into the concrete.
“Don’t think this is over,” Angelo sneered as they stepped back. “You’ll either cooperate, or we’ll finish it the hard way.”
“I don’t care what you do to me,” I said through gritted teeth. “You’ll end up with exactly what you deserve.”
Angelo’s face twisted. “We’ll see about that, brother.”
They left the room, the Bratva guy following them.
When the door slammed, I let out a slow breath. My ribs screamed with every inhale. I tipped my head back against the cold concrete wall, the room spinning.