Page 73 of Ruined
“We’re going to be late,” he muttered.
I followed him. The way his shoulders stayed rigid screamed of a man barely holding himself together.
Luca could bolt as much as he wanted, but he wouldn’t escape me. He belonged to me. I wouldn’t let him forget it.
The meeting took place in the back of an Italian deli. It reeked of prosciutto and the cramped room felt suffocating with all the heavy hitters in one space.
Michael, the underboss, leaned forward, his fingers steepled as he waited for the room to quiet. His hair gleamed under the single overhead light.
“Alder Distribution is running high-value shipments through a specific route in Boston. Electronics, cash, pharmaceuticals. Big money. It’s coming through Southie on Friday night, just after midnight.”
Luca shifted beside me.
“What’s the risk?” Santino asked.
“Alder’s not running this kind of operation without protection. Their drivers are armed, and they’ve got professional escorts. We’re not talking about mall cops here.” Michael’s gaze swept the table. “This isn’t a job for amateurs. I need a crew that can handle themselves under pressure. I want everybody to give me names.”
Luca raised his hand. “I’m in.”
What the fuck is he doing?
I glared at him. “That’s not your job, Luca.”
Luca glanced at me. “I’m sick of laying low.”
I gritted my teeth. The other capos stared at me. Fuck. I couldn’t let his insubordination slide in front of everyone. I stood up, chair scraping against the floor.
“Sit down and shut up.”
Luca bristled and crossed his arms. I stared at him until he complied, and then I turned to Michael.
“Luca’s still recovering from his injuries.”
Michael leaned back in his chair. “Fair enough.”
The room stirred as other captains volunteered names. Michael nodded, jotting down the volunteers. I kept my eyes forward, my jaw locked, but my patience frayed with every second.
When Michael wrapped up the meeting and dismissed the group, I let the others file out before grabbing Luca’s arm.
“We need to talk,” I snarled.
He tensed under my grip but didn’t argue, letting me pull him outside. We made our way out to the car. Luca opened the passenger side door for me. I got in, glancing at him as he moved around to the driver’s seat.
He got inside, slamming the door.
I turned in my seat. “What were you thinking?”
He shrugged. “You heard Michael. He needs people who can handle pressure.”
“You’re still healing.”
Luca’s dark eyes burned. “I can handle myself.”
I seethed. “You want to prove yourself?Fine. Do it by staying alive, not playing hero on some reckless job.”
He scoffed, turning away from me.
I grabbed his shoulder, yanking him around. “You work forme. You don’t make calls like this without running them by me first.”