Page 29 of Putting Down Roots
I hope that Jackson didn’t get wet walking back to the village.Thinking of Jackson puts me slightly on edge. What if last night was just fuelled by alcohol and now he’s regretting it?
I can’t stay in bed any longer, I’m a bundle of nerves. Dressing quickly, I head down to the kitchen where Anna is cooking breakfast. She looks cheerful. Of course, I’d told her last night what had happened—she wouldn’t let me go to bed until I had.
I relay my fears to her, and she dismisses them.
“He doesn’t look like someone who would do something on a whim. He’s someone who’ll take the time to consider the options, but once his mind is made up, will go after it one hundred percent. The question is, are you ready for someone like that?”
I don’t get a chance to answer her, as there he is at the back door, just looking the same as he has for the past few weeks. He looks happy—he looks amazing—and he looks pleased to see me. And I’m tongue tied. Seeing him in the flesh has made Anna’s question loom up.
Jackson is steadfast and trustworthy and fully committed, but am I?I know that to be committed, at some point, he needs to know the entire story and I’m not sure if I’m ready for that. He senses my hesitation and his face falls slightly—a slight frown creases his brow.
Anna, whos been watching the exchange, lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Men. You’re all impossible.” She heads over to Jackson and gives him a kiss on the cheek, and says,”Good morning Jackson.” Turning to me, she adds.”That’s how it’s done. Your turn.”
I regard the man in front me, dependable and solid and very real, and for once in my life I want nothing more than to be with him. An echo of his smile returns as I cross the room, but I can still see worry there.
“You okay?” I ask softly. Anna has deliberately turned her back on us and is busying herself with breakfast.
“I was going to ask you that?” he murmurs back.
So I smile and say,”Good morning Jackson,” and plant a kiss firmly on his lips. He puts his arms around me and kisses back. It’s so good, and I’m lost in the moment for a minute—until.
“Ahem, I see we’ve managed our ‘Good mornings.’ Now how about some breakfast?”
Jackson reluctantly releases me with a smile and I’m loath to leave his embrace, but we get another “ahem” from Anna. Breakfast smells good. Half of me wants her to stay and cook for me, and the other half wants her to leave as soon as possible so I can have Jackson all to myself. There is definitely a promise in the smile he gives me.
After breakfast,Anna insists on a tour of the gardens. We wander through the walled garden, the sunken garden, along the tree-lined avenues to a small grove that has a natural pond. Then back through the hedged areas, and the rose garden, and up the small meadow to the folly. I catch Jackson’s eye as he looks across the view at the downs, and his smile is brilliance itself. I’m sure he loves these gardens as much as I do.
“You really must open this up to the public, Luca.” Anna is saying. She’s turned round and instead of looking outward, she sees the views across the garden. “It’s too beautiful to deny people the chance to visit. And this would be the perfect place to hold weddings.” She doesn’t mention that she thinks I need something to focus on—a project. She’s not wrong in that respect, and since I started drawing again, I’ve been feeling the pull of creativity.
“What do you think?” I turn to Jackson. He’s the expert, and I don’t have a clue.
“About weddings?” he smirks.
What? No.I see the merriment in his eyes. His teasing is new, and something which makes my insides flutter.
“Opening up the gardens,” I manage to sputter.
“Well, it’s not my decision, but yes, as I said, it’s definitely possible. It would take a couple more months to sort, and we’d need some help. Gardens are usually open from around May, so we’ve missed that, but you could still open this season—sometime in July.”
“What do you mean, help?” This is quite different to opening an art exhibition. I want to know what’s involved.
“A tree surgeon for a start. The willow we know about, but there are more trees that haven’t been maintained for a while, and they need a bit of work. Some of the walls in the walled garden are crumbling, so need rebuilding and some pointing—but it’s all possible. Though I’ll warn you now, it is going to be hard work.”
He turns to face me.
“Are you prepared to help out?” There’s a smirk on his face. I move in closer, testing him out.
“Are you prepared to tell me what to do?”
A dark hunger flashes in his eyes, which sends shivers up my spine.
“Not now boys, we have work to do.” Anna calls, already striding away down the path, “You can play later.”
We simultaneously roll our eyes.
“Hold on Anna,” I call, turning and half running to catch her up. “I haven’t made my mind up yet.”