Page 37 of Putting Down Roots
“I want weekly updates,” she says. “And I’ll be back for opening day.”
Then she’s packed, her bags in the car, and she’s ready to go.
We stand in the hall. It feels awkward for a minute, but Jackson is good at cutting through that.
He gives her a big hug.
“They are mighty good hugs, handsome.”
He smiles at her.
“I’m pleased you came, Anna. I’m glad I’ve met you, thank you.” He gives her a final hug before heading out to the garden, leaving us alone.
She turns to hug me.
“When I came here, I didn’t know what I would find. I didn’t know if I’d have to move in, or cart you back to London. I’m really happy that you found Jackson.”
“He was trespassing, you know,” I say.
“Seems meant to be then.” She’s always been one to easily accept life’s synchronicities.
“As long as I don’t mess it up,” I can’t help but add.
“Be yourself Lu, that’s all you can be—and all Jackson wants.”
“Thanks Anna. Enjoy the States and I’ll see you in a couple of months.” I give her another big hug and let her go, both excited and nervous about being alone with Jackson.
I haven’t been back upto the house since Anna left. Luca finds me and brings me a sandwich at lunchtime.
“You okay?” I ask him, unsure what effect Anna’s visit had on him—but more to gauge how we are.
“I’m good.” I get a flash of his brilliant smile. “Now eat that up, and tonight I’ll make something nice for us.”
He doesn’t have to. I’m happy to make something. But it’s like he’s made me into a project to be looked after—I kind of like it.
He suddenly looks nervous, biting his lip again.
“What is it?”
He looks away for a minute as if he’s summoning the courage for something, and seems to make up his mind as he turns back to me.
“Will you stay again? I mean, move in here, with me?”
I’m not totally surprised, after he wanted me to stay last night, but I’m pleased he asked.
“I would love to, thanks.” I receive another of his wonderful smiles. “I’ll fetch my things from the pub tomorrow, if that’s okay.”
“Of course, but you will stay tonight, won’t you?”
“Yes, of course.”
I’m excited to move in. Keen to explore us—well him—further. There are definitely things I want to do to him.
After a hard dayin the garden, I’m eager for a shower to clean up. It’s been a warm day for the season. I’ve finished tidying the rose garden and am looking forward to seeing the blooms that will arrive soon. There’s still so much to do, but we’re on track for the opening day. I haven’t seen Luca since lunchtime, he has his own list of jobs to complete.