Page 43 of Putting Down Roots
Darla,true to her word—although she is almost totally responsible for the large crowd in the pub—manages to give us some space. A few people wander over to say hello though. Old Pete comes over. I’d paid the debt off on my van a while ago.
“Good to see you back, young Luca.” He says in his slow manner.
“Thanks, Old Pete. It’s good to be back.”
“Reckon you’ll be staying around a while longer, then?” He addresses me.
“It looks that way, Pete.”
“That’s good,” he says, and pats me on the shoulder as he leaves.
While we waitfor our main course, I reach my hand across the table and Luca interlaces his fingers with mine.
“I want to ask you something.”
“Sure.” Luca tilts his head quizzically.
“Will you be my boyfriend?” His smile lights up the room.
“Yes, of course. I would love that.”
We’re almostthrough dessert when I hear a familiar, booming voice.
“Well, if it isn’t yon gardener laddie, with the wee laddie from the hoose.”
“Well, at least I wasn’t the ‘wee laddie’,” I whisper to Luca, as Keith makes his way over with Ben in tow.
“Nothing ‘wee’ about me.” He grins back as they reach our table. Without asking, Keith pulls up a chair and plonks himself down on it. He waves at Darla to bring us all a round of drinks. Ben also pulls up a chair, but with a slight apology in his eyes. I give him a smile.
“Well, well, this is who those extra pastries were for, eh? I didn’t think yous were eating them all yerself. Now I see how it is. I said if you stayed in Larchdown too long, you’d turn into one of us.” He claps one of his massive hands on my back and guffaws loudly.
“Thanks Keith, nice to see you too.” I try to be stern but I can’t keep from smiling. “I guess you remember Luca.”
“Aye, I remember the wee laddie on his bicycle, coming to visit us with his pocket money.” He smiles, and looks for all the world like he’s going to lean over and chub Luca’s cheek, like a grandma to her small grandson.
But Luca takes it in good humour.
“But do you remember my favourite cake?”
“Aye. A cupcake with purple frosting and rainbow sprinkles,” he says, with Luca joining in with the “rainbow sprinkles.” They both laugh.
Talk turns to the opening of the gardens—which seems popular with the villagers—and the tables fill up around us, with many people shouting hello or coming over to see Luca for themselves.Eventually, I order coffee, as I still have to drive us back to the house and I don’t want to drink any more.
At length, we manage to leave, wending our way through the throng and outside to the van. Once inside, I lean over in my seat and kiss Luca.
“Thank you for tonight.”
“I enjoyed it. You did well, though you know it’ll be a different experience outside Larchdown?”
“I know, but I want to take it one step at a time.” With that, I start the van and drive us back to the house.
I can’t believehow hot Jackson looks tonight. In his tight black jeans and his soft green shirt, he looks so solid and real. I love how he keeps smiling at me, especially when everyone comes over to say hello. I’m so proud of him. For me, being gay is just something I am—it has always been so. But I can tell it’s difficult for Jackson to realise his own sexuality, especially since he experienced the hatred up close and personal from his brother.
It’s nice to be back in Larchdown village. I’d forgotten how friendly and accepting the villagers are. I don’t mind being shut away at the house, living the life of a hermit, but maybe I’ll attempt to go into the village more often. Perhaps Jackson can help with that.