Page 52 of Putting Down Roots
“It’s raining—a lot.” A thunder clap crashes overhead, but he doesn’t flinch, so I don’t think the storm is the issue. I need to get him out of the cellar.
“Put your arms around my neck.” I scoop him up in my arms and climb the steps. I carry him to the lounge.
After placing him down on the sofa, I light some of the candles that we keep in the room, and fetch a couple more from the dining room. I also grab a blanket.
The candles are making the lounge seem quite cheery. I tuck the blanket round Luca and then slide onto the sofa, so his head is resting on my lap.
“Hey there,” I say, when he opens his eyes to look at me. He looks so vulnerable and my heart constricts. There’s nothing I want more than to keep him safe, and I wasn’t here to do that today.
He manages a weak smile.
“What happened?” I ask.
“The lights went out. I thought it might be a fuse, so I wanted to see if it had tripped. The fuse box is in the cellar.” Knowing how much Luca avoids the cellar, I think this was very brave of him.
“I had a torch, but then there was thunder and it made me jump. I dropped the torch, and it went out. I knelt down to find it again, but I couldn’t, and then all I could think of was the last time—and then I couldn’t move. I couldn’t find the torch.”
I see tears welling up in his eyes. I’m almost crying too.
“Shhh, nothing’s going to happen to you. I’m here.” Except I hadn’t been here, and that burns across my chest.
He reaches for my hand and interlaces his fingers with mine.
“Thank you for saving me,” he says. He looks exhausted.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner. You wouldn’t have needed to go down to the cellar.”
“I just wanted to help.” I can see his point, and much as it pains me, I know I can’t always protect him from life. I need to help him find his own strength.
“Another time, when the lights are back on, we’ll go together and tackle those demons. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Thank you. I’d like that,” he manages.
“The lights are out in the village too, so I think a power line might have come down. We can use the gas for food though. How about some soup?”
He nods and I head off to the kitchen to fix us some food. By the time I return, he’s sitting up and looking brighter.
“Well?”Anna asks, as she stands in the kitchen. She’s just arrived to help with the opening in a couple of days. She flew in from the States last night, caught up with a few friends, and then drove up from London this morning. I know what she’s asking about, but before I can answer, the object of her question walks in.
“Morning Anna,” Jackson says, coming in for a midmorning break. He heads over to give her a hug. “Good flight?”
“Ugh, a couple of hours’ delay but I got here eventually. But enough about me. What about you?” She looks between us both and then her eyes fix on me.
“If I didn’t know you better Luca, I’d say you almost looked happy.”
“People can change.” I turn back to the coffee machine.
“Evidently.” I know I’m not off the hook yet with Anna’s questioning. “And you, Jackson, are looking as gorgeous as ever. I’m surprised Luca can keep his hands off you.”
Jackson saunters over to collect the mug I proffer. He smiles and holds my eyes as he answers, “He can’t.”
“How’s the job going?” I need to change the subject, before I forget Anna’s in the room and climb Jackson like a tree.
“It’s going really well, we’re nearly finished pre-production. Shooting starts in a few weeks. I’ve been able to make some amazing costumes and there are some fantastic sets. I’ll be on hand during shooting to adjust costumes and then dress the actors.”