Page 12 of Blood on the Ice
Were they…?
Before I can ask, he cuts in. “Channing liked to hang out with my roommate and I—we had a standing board game night with a few other students.”
“Oh,” I say, not sure why it makes me happy to hear they weren’t involved. The roommate bit was a little dodgy, though, and I’m not sure if he’s being discreet or not. “That sounds fun. I’m more of a card player myself, but I enjoy strategy.”
The bell dings again and we all turn to see a handsome bearded man in an expensive suit walk in. His eyes dance as he looks atSlade and I squint, trying to remember where I might have seen this dude before. He seems very familiar and certainly older than a student—he must be a staff member. Channing catches my gaze as I turn back, her eyes sliding to the man in warning.
“We should organize a group game then, Slade,” the stranger says as he approaches. “I’d love to host the Dean in our humble abode.”
“Iggy, I don’t think that’s…”
“Maybe that’s not a good…”
Channing and Slade speak almost simultaneously and if that wasn’t a signal to be cautious, I don’t know what is. They both know the professor who joined us and they don’t dislike him, but they must suspect his motives. It’s excellent information to have because I doubt they’d be this friendly if he was one of Magnus’ acolytes, but demurring tells me they know he’s got a less-than-generous reason for his offer. When I glance at Slade, his cheeks have flushed and a delicate sniff tells me he’s very much attracted to this man. I need more information on this situation and though I can pump Channing later, I also want to observe the potential enemy in a less formal setting.
“I think it’s a marvelous idea.” I smile coolly at all of them, making certain my true intent isn’t reflected in my expression or my eyes. “I’m growing weary of spending my nights working alone. A small gathering would be most welcome, Prof…?”
“Ignatius Briarton, but my friends called me Iggy. You probably haven’t gotten to the Wizardry & Witchcraft department in your research yet. The sports programs are in the most peril and resolving that will take intense focus, so you’ll get familiar withthe other staff once you’re free to dig into their programs,” he replies with practiced nonchalance.
He’s pretending it didn’t bother him that I didn’t know him, so I know his ego will be a substantial source of power over him. Either courting it or popping it will make it easy to get what I want from Iggy and I’ll start by showing him that his charming exterior isn’t phasing me. “That is very true, Ignatius. I am eager to expand my knowledge about State U and perhaps the three of you can give me your perspectives when we meet for the game night.”
“I’m sure we can.” His brows furrow when I don’t call him Iggy and I know my gambit worked. “Channing, if you’re going to take over our Dean’s schedule, get started as soon as possible so you can book our little party.”
Channing rolls her eyes, completely unbothered by his knowledge of a conversation that occurred before he was in the building. “Iggy, you’ll hear from me when I’ve settled and reviewed the current commitments. Now, both of you, shoo. The Dean and I have private matters to discuss. Turn off any objects and go away.”
My grin widens as she stands up to the guys and their reactions tell me she doesn’t normally do so. Perhaps my influence or the power of working for me gave her strength, but I like it. “She’s right. I appreciate the invite and the service, Slade. But we do need privacy.”
“Okay, Morgana. Just wave if you need a refill,” Slade says as he grabs Iggy’s arm and tugs him back towards the counter.
It’s not a date, but that was definitely headway in finding people who might not rat me out for the price of a tea bag.
Only an hour was neededto finalize the details with Channing.
I wasn’t surprised that she balked at first, but as soon as Professor Ignatius zeroed in on me, my new assistant jumped in with both feet. She’s going back to her office to pack up and I’m headed back to mine to make lists. Channing suggested I send the emails necessary to transfer her and then create lists of the things I want her to focus on based on how soon they need to be accomplished. I’m not sure that thirty-sixty-ninety-one hundred eighty day lists will make the things we need to dolessintimidating as she proclaimed, but rather than sift through all this shit myself? I’ll try whatever organization method she wants.
Landing on the balcony of my office, I step into my office and head for my desk. I kick off my heels and curl up in the big executive chair, clicking away at the keyboard. It’s imperative that I get all the paperwork done before four, so I’ll have Channing here tomorrow morning to dig through this backlog of parent emails about the murder. I had to answer the board and law enforcement this morning, so I didn’t make even a small dent in the less critical, but no less angry, communications from people who couldn’t fire or arrest me.
Sucking in a sharp breath, I look around the room in surprise. I’m not usually this careless, but I am running on very little sleep. “Where the hell are you? Better yet,whothe hell are you?”
With a smirk, Lucas emerges from the fireplace at the opposite end of the room. “I’m hurt. After all the sleepless nights…”
My eyes narrow as I take in the amount of shit I just learned in this three second encounter. One, my goddamned office has a not-so-secret passage in it. Two, I need to get it sealed or install security, plus cameras and a safe for my secure documents. Three, the light of day hasnotdiscouraged the sexy sports star from pursuing me. None of that is helpful; in fact, I’m certain every bit is downright disastrous.
“Lucas, what made you think sneaking into my office in a secret tunnel would make me happy?”
His grin widens as he stalks across the room like a feline, not a bear shifter. “The part where I’m going to take you to dinner tonight to thank you for protecting me.”
For the love of Hera’s screeching peacocks…
“Unnecessary. Besides, I had lunch with Channing recently and I won’t be hungry until much later. I’m going to make myself something simple when I get home. My workload is too heavy for frequent breaks.”
The hockey player shakes his head and comes to a stop inches from me. With my heels off, I’m still not much shorter than him. His eyes are warm as he looks down at me in amusement. “I can cook, you know. My Nana taught me. Nothing fancy, of course, but it’ll taste good and I assure you I can bribe someone to get into your house before you arrive home. You might as well consent now and we’ll save a lot of time.”
I rub my fingers between my brows, then pinch the bridge of my nose. He’s basically telling me he won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and if I get this over with, he might get over his mini obsession with me. “Even if I don’t get home until like nine or ten? You won’t mind then?”