Page 35 of Blood on the Ice
“Then let’s get in there and help cure her boyfriend, dummy. Otherwise, she doesn’t have a chance.” I wink at him and start up the steps to the house with my half of the dinner.
Iggy follows, bounding up to the door and pushing the Ring button with a jab. It buzzes, but the door doesn’t open, nor does anyone answer. Frowning, he pushes it a couple more times, irritation flashing over his features. “Where did they go?”
I tilt my head, listening for sounds of life inside, and a noise catches my ears. “I think they’re on the back porch. I hear people outside. Maybe Morgana doesn’t have access to the video feed from this thing.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me,” Iggy murmurs as we walk down the stairs and around the house on the small stone pathway. “The board wasnothappy with her appointment.”
When we get to the enclosed porch, a smile spreads over my face. The tall hockey player is lying on the big patio sofa with his head in Morgana’s lap. He doesn’t look good, but his eyes are trained on the TV hanging on the wall as the Dean runs herfingers through his hair. It’s sweet and if I had to guess, I’d bet she wouldn’t want anyone to see this side of her.
“Ding dong,” I call out, hoping we won’t scare them.
Morgana’s eyes dart in our direction, and the bear lolls his head to us as well. “Slade, Ignatius! You’re early. And you have a lot of bags.”
“Yes, fair lady. We brought some of the best food in the city and in great quantities, so we have sustenance while we work.” Ignatius beams as he holds up the bounty.
“Is that from Belle’s?” Lucas asks in a weak tone.
Man, he isnotdoing well.
“Shrimp and grits, fried green tomatoes, spoon bread, creamed corn, hot brown sliders, green beans, black-eyed peas, mashed potatoes, fried chicken… everything you can imagine. Of course, two peanut butter pies for dessert.” I wink at him, and surprisingly, the sick dude flushes a little.
“We came bearing gifts because we only have a minute amount of new information and alotof new questions. May we sit?” Iggy walks over to an overstuffed armchair and places his bags on the table in front of the couch. “I have a feeling this will be a long night.”
Morgana gives me a quizzical look and I shrug. “Iggy worked really hard to find a specific answer, but we ended up with unclear results.”
“As if that’s anything new. Welcome to my crazy life, boys,” she mutters.
I know she’s being sarcastic, but I’ll take the invitation just the same.
better than revenge
Lucas is eating, which thrills me. It’s slow, but the delicious treats Slade and Iggy brought perked him up alot,so I can’t help flashing them grateful looks as we all chow down. I have to admit this Southern cuisine is to die for and they assure me I must visit the restaurant in person with them whenthings settle down. Slade even invited Lucas, giving him a small smile that made his heart rate speed up under my hand.
We should definitely investigate that later.
“What’s the significance of the magic originating in the greenhouse?” I ask curiously. “Since Zuzanne told you there’s an organic poison and magic, it seems like that would make sense. A greenhouse would give the person access to herbs, oils, and leaves that could be used in creating poison—like belladonna or nightshade—and the ingredients for spells.”
Ignatius clears his throat, looking sheepish for a moment. “That building is under the purview of Professor Kimiko Nakamura and I, uh… might have issues gaining access to it.”
Arching a brow, I look at him in the way only a woman can when sheknowsa man has fucked up big time. Slade covers his mouth, trying to hide his amusement, and Lucas lets out a sigh of understanding. Since Iggy seems unwilling to expound on his own, I tap my nails on the arm of the couch for a moment before I force him. “While I’m sure she’s justified in her anger towards you for whatever transgression you committed, I’m not sending an official order out until I know you’ve attempted to make peace on your own. We’re all adults and I haven’t been alive three hundred years to play secondary school games with Lucas’s survival. Fix it by end of day tomorrow.”
I know my eyes are glowing with irritation, and Des is moving underneath my raven locks. She needs to stay out of sight because I prefer to find out if Ignatius is only interested in me as a specimen to study or something else. Gorgon venom fetches a handy price on the black market, specifically because it can only be obtained with our explicit and conscious consent.
None of us gives it up to just anyone, and it’s almost as rare as dragon scales or demon hearts.
The handsome professor pales a little as he watches me calm my inner beasts within seconds of their appearance without more than a flicker. “Your control is impressive, Morgana.”
“I’ve had time to settle into my forms, Ignatius. We work together—mostly—and you didn’t answer me.”
Running a hand through his hair, he nods before looking at his hands. “I’ll go talk to Kimiko. You’re correct in assuming I haven’t truly made amends for my idiotic behavior. I didn’t mean to harm her, but I took advantage of her kindness in a way that wasn’t befitting of my family's name or position. I’ll let you know when it’s done and if I’m successful.”
“Holy shit,” Slade mutters. Lucas and I look at him quizzically, and he shrugs. “I’ve been trying to get this asshole to apologize for defiling her greenhouse for years. You have no idea how inconvenient it is to make deals with students to obtain ingredients from there with the ban on everything ‘Briarton’ in effect.”
My gaze narrows as I turn back to Iggy. “You really are an idiot. Stop making Slade do your dirty work when you piss people off. Grow up and handle your shit.”
A sly grin comes over the magic professor’s face, and he tilts his head. “Is that an order?”
“Fuck, yes, it is. You’re at the top of my shit list right now and you aren’t even involved in all the nonsense I have to deal with for the Society. I can’t have someone who’s pissed off half the campus joining me inanycapacity; I have enough enemies tocover us all. Lock it down or I’m kicking you off the island and keeping Slade.”