Page 55 of Blood on the Ice
When Iggy and Kaspar return from stowing the weird trunk in the shed outside, I try to figure out why they both look like someone died. Neither seems eager to give it up, so I go back to helping Lucas pull down the curtains. He’s not as strong as me, especially when recovering, but he’s good at staying close, so I feel less exposed by this nightmare.
A room full of men I barely know are finding out just how cuckolded and naïve I was when Magnus was alive—I fucking hate it.
“I know you’re mad they won’t say what they did out there, but consider it might be because you don’twantto know,” Slade says as he walks over to take the pile of stinky linens to put in a garbage bag.
Blinking at him, I open my mouth, then close it. He probably can’t help reading me—powerful sirens can have trouble controlling their gifts—and I know he’s only trying to help. I’m unused to people looking out for me, especially men, so I’m overreacting. I give him a small shrug, tilting my head. “That’s probably true, but I’m so used to taking care of myself. It makes me feel powerless to be in the dark.”
Lucas wraps his arms around me, rubbing his cheek on my shoulder blade from behind. I’m much taller than him on this stool and it’s kind of cute. “Morgana, you don’t need to know every disgusting thing that person did to control your life. No one in this room believes anyone but you is running this show.”
Kaspar snorts and shakes his head, but Iggy, Slade, and Liam just grin at me. My lips curve and I allow myself to lean into Lucas for support. “Thanks, babe.”
Ugh. How cliched am I? I have to figure out a name better than that or I’ll feel lame.
Iggy whips the comforter and pillowcases off, handing them to Slade before he does the sheets. “Take this shit. Thank hell she can’t smell it. Wolfberg, how fast can you get shit here if we find a mattress for her online?”
The bear moves back, and his smug grin makes my stomach flutter. “Try me, spell sucker.”
“Sweet baby Polyphemus, the two of you are going to drive me insane. Especially withthatone…” Slade points to Kaspar, “… pulling his BS as well. Work together so we don’t make Morgana even more stressed out, please?”
Tucking my chin, I grin at him. He and Liam are peacemakers—I need that for sure. There’s too much dick waving in this room. “Slade is right. It would definitely help if we couldtrynot to attack each other. Snark is okay; I don’t mind that, but just… don’t be assholes.”
“Macushla?1,” Liam says and Kaspar’s scowl deepens. “We will all behave to the best of our abilities. Right, gentleman?”
Slade nods, then Lucas, and finally, Iggy throws up his hands. “Fine. fine. I’ll try not to bait the shifter.”
“I agree to nothing and he can’t make me,” Kaspar grunts. “You know better, Liam.”
The Prince rolls his eyes, muttering something in Gaelic under his breath before waving at the dragon. “He says that, but he won’t be truly awful since I asked. Don’t worry.”
“Now that we cleared that up, I’m going downstairs to grab a tablet,” Slade says as he holds the full garbage up. “I’ll take this to the curb. Once we’re back, we’ll measure the room and let Lucas work his magic to arrange for the new bed.”
“Fuck yeah. We’re goinghuge. This room is half the upper floor—it’s plenty big enough for something we can spread out in.” His eyes twinkle with merriment, and I feel the color drain from my face.
He nods, raking his hand through his golden waves. “Yeah. You, me… whoever gets invited. Whatever.”
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.
“That… remains to be… decided,” I mutter as I turn back to the section of the room I’m working in. I can’t deal with their flirtingandthis bullshit in Magnus’ room. It’s too much. Not to mention, Jackson arrives later today and I haveno ideawhat he’s going to say about Lucas’s case.
Liam laughs softly, then walks over to spin me around. “Don’t hide. You have a buffet of men clamoring for your attention,macushla. A prince, a wizard, a musician, a sport star, and a grumpy ass war hero—who could ask for more?”
I swallow hard, looking around as panic uncurls in my gut. “That’s what I’m afraid of. This kind of shitneverworks out for me—not even with one person. How can I expect any different when it’s five?”
“Those other people weren’t us,” the Prince says with a smirk. “Now stop worrying and let’s get this done so you’re not living in that monster’s filth.”
Hallelujah to that.
By the timeLucas and Liam work their rich guy magic, it’s late afternoon and we’ve had two deliveries of stuff for the bedroom.The room is now filled with a bed so enormous I have no idea how they got the mattress in and it’s decorated to the nines in a calming slate gray and black motif. I showed Liam furniture when he asked and I don’t know how the actual hell he got it here, but the wrought iron bed frame and shining dark Gothic furniture arrived within hours. There’s not a damn trace of my ex anywhere in this space and I finally feel like I have a place to escape.
I’d cry if I could show that kind of vulnerability in front of them.
Instead, I’m sitting in the living room eating the pizza Slade ordered while we wait for our guests on pins and needles. Channing messaged that Jackson’s plane taxied in while we were finishing up, so we decided to relax until they arrive. Lucas has my feet in his lap and I’m leaning against Iggy’s shoulder while some mystery show plays in the background.
“You know, you’re awful calm about all of this, Wolfberg,” Kaspar says as he eyes him. The dragon is seated far from me in the room, causing eye rolling from all of us.
Lucas grins. “Well, I’ve got the fucking Shark coming to do my defense and Nana behind me… plus, Morgana believes me. And I’m not dying of some whack Fae poison anymore. I’m feeling #blessed, man.”