Page 79 of Blood on the Ice
“No!” I say, grabbing Liam’s hand in panic. “Don’t punish him. I… I can learn to live with it. I have before, and I can’t bear thinking I’ve caused a rift between you and your oldest friend and protector.”
Kaspar turns back to us, his face a mask of shock as he squints at me. “You would let me continue to hurt you if it allowed Li to be happy and safe?”
“Duh?” I reply in confusion. “It’s not like Magnus was warm and cuddly. I’ve lived with worse than some mean barbs. I’ll get used to it?—”
This time it’s Liam who stands. “You willnot. I refuse to allow you to take back the appropriate boundary you set. I am certain the bear and I agree we cannot see our mate in pain because my supposedfriendcannot deal with his own issues.”
His words get Kaspar’s attention and the expression on the dragon’s face changes again. He scratches his head, looking frustrated before he growls, “I need some fucking space.”
Without waiting for a response, he storms out of the room, and the door slams shut in his wake. I don’t hear his car start, so I assume he’s walking back to their place until a loud boom outside corrects me. Within seconds, a pelting rain hits the roofof the house and lightning cracks across the sky outside the window.
“Well, shit,” Liam mutters as he walks over to look at the sudden storm. “All we can do is wait.”
I wrinkle my nose, feeling Des finally slide back into my hair. “What do you mean?”
The Fae gives me a rueful smile as he turns back to us. “Kaspar only shifts in this realm when he is so overcome by emotions that he fears he will do something rash that will harm others… or himself. I’m not sure which option caused this outburst.”
“He might… hurt himself?” I whisper, feeling ill as I voice the words.
That is not what I wanted.
“Kaspar holds a great deal of pain he has not dealt with healthily. It comes from our past and though I have done everything I can to help him, he is not ready to let go of it yet. I won’t let him hurt you because of that. Making that clear has him very conflicted, so yes, he will probably punish himself.”
“I don’t want that.”
Liam sighs and shakes his head ruefully. “I don’t want that, either. I never have. If anyone is responsible for his pain, it’s the person who caused it. But he can’t confront them, nor can he blame me, so he takes the responsibility himself. I have endeavored for many centuries to get him various forms of help to process that heartstring wound. As a dragon, it will only get worse the longer he lets it consume him.”
Guilt floods me again, and I drop my head to my hands. I shouldn’t feel empathy for someone who has been bullying me,but I do. This kind of thinking lead me to allow Magnus the grasping, gaslighting control he had over me. I can’t go down this path again. We have too much to do for me to dedicate my spoons to helping a dragon who is purposefully nursing an old wound.
Whatever Kaspar needs, he won’t get it from me unless he apologizes—period.
just like fire
Morgana is struggling with the dragon’s flight, and it’s as obvious as a flashing sign over her head. Liam insisted we needed to give the guy space, which Iggy and Slade didn’t argue. I, however, have a bit of experience with emotions being so big you might explode. If it wasn’t for my Nana, I would have a lot more issues than I do now. When myanger and self-destructive bent appeared in middle school, she made certain I got the help I needed.
It’s harder than it looks to have strung-out, fame seeking fuckwads for parents, even if you are rich.
“M, you can’t take his shit on your shoulders,” I murmur as we lounge on the couch. I’m working on make-up work from my missed class, and she’s powering through the shit Channing dropped off. “Kaspar’s problems predate your involvement.”
“I know that,” she replies absently as she marks up papers in a folder labeled ‘Discretionary Flags.’ Once she’s done, she meets my gaze, her eyes tired. “I just don’t enjoy thinking about him off self-harming or getting in trouble because I triggered something.”
I snort. “He triggered you first. I bet he’s not moping about hurting you.”
“He might be,” Liam says and we both turn to give the Prince a smile. He’d gone home to grab things he wanted near while we hunkered down to work. “Kaspar often realizes what an ass he’s being, but can’t quite stop himself.”
“Sounds like a ‘him’ problem,” I mutter as I flip the page of my Econ textbook. “Morgana can’t be responsible for his stupid shit.”
“She’s not.”
Well, hell, the gang’s all here.
Slade and Iggy stroll in with their own bags, settling on the adjacent furniture as the professor makes his statement. The siren shrugs, his smile rueful. “Iggy’s awfully blunt, as you know.”
“When he wants to be,” Morgana snarks, and I arch a brow at her. She just winks and goes back to whatever budget nonsense she’s working on.
“That brief exchange felt very… cozy.” Liam hops over the back of the other couch with his bag and flops onto it in a very un-royal manner. “Are we all getting along better because we’re mad at my friend?”
“Maybe,” I chuckle as I continue reading the chapter I need to finish. “Strife does bring people together.”