Page 8 of Blood on the Ice
My lips quirk. Her plea is authentic and personal, so I might agree. “We’ll see. I assume the text I sent to my parents activated some legal eagle they have on retainer locally. It’d surprise me if whoever it is doesn’t actually beat me to the crusty detective’s desk.”
By the time we get to the entrance, I see my assumption was correct because a blond surfer looking dude in a Balenciaga suit is waiting for us outside. His teeth sparkle white in the lamplight and I hear Morgana suck in a breath behind me. She knows this guy and I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing, so I block her halfway, just in case.
“Jackson Thorne! Of course, the Duchess would have Thorne Enterprises on their payroll in these parts.” Morgana pushes past me and sticks her hand out to shake.
The lawyer takes her hand, shaking it first, then turning it to lift to his lips and I swear to Odin, a fucking growl pops out of my lips. His head whips around and he gives me a knowing look. “It is my blessing and curse to be available to beautiful women who collect adorable young men with an inability to stay out of trouble. In fact, I was awake speaking to another such client who is currently overseas with her cadre of drooling boys.”
“Lucas isnotsomeone I’ve collected, Jackson. He’s a student in trouble with very influential relatives who I’m ensuring gets appropriate representation, so they do not hold the school liable. You of all people should know I’m not out cherry picking lovers.” The dean bristles, striding up the stairs and leaving the two of us in her wake.
I turn to the well-known supe with an irritated expression. “So far, you suck at your job, dude.”
“Oh, I suckvery well, but it’s not part of my job, young Wolfberg. Neither is helping you figure out how to crack that stony exterior, so let’s get inside and dispense with the nonsense of the local police. This may be a bigger city, but the law enforcement is no more competent than the yokels further out. They will try to blame you out of convenience and laziness. Let’s not give them the chance by standing out here bickering, eh?”
I don’t want to like this guy because he pissed off Morgana, but I kind of do.
“I’m sure you’ve been told, but when I say it, I mean it.Keep. Your. Mouth. Shut.I will answer every question or allow you to give me answers privately before we address the issue. I will assert your right to remain silent and provide information at other times. Follow my lead and you can chase that lovely hybrid home instead of sleeping on a dirty cot tonight.Capiche?”
“I’m not stupid,” I retort. Ihavevisited a police station in the past.
“Not surprising, hot shot. Now button it until you’re given permission to speak.”
He turns, heading into the precinct with the air of someone who knows exactly what they’re doing and expects to accomplish it without a hitch. Grumbling under my breath, I follow him, hoping his confidence isn’t misplaced.
I didn’t kill that fucker, Pierre, but I’m not sad someone else did.
“Hopefully, that isn’t obvious,” I mumble to myself as we head into the lion’s den.
Thorne turns around and pins me with his gaze. “What isn’t obvious?”
I smile, batting my lashes as I make a motion, mimicking zipping my lips. He rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath as we catch up to Morgana. Her features are creased with concern as she looks at the lack of bodies working at this hour other than Detective Kaiser Roll and a small weasley looking fellow in the corner. This is nothing like I’d expect for a city of this size, but that virus hit everything in the human world hard. Unfortunately for me, unless the crime violates a Council or Society law, I’m stuck with the unevolved for the duration of this mess.
Hell, I’m lucky they even have a shifter detective on staff here.
Usually they don’t allow our kind to take these jobs, but with State U nearby, I suppose they needed someone to keep all the secrets. College kids aren’t known for good judgment and campus security can’t wrangle anyone who leaves the University to party in the clubs or bars. I doubt they thought this big goombah would tackle a murder case when they pushed him up the ladder, though, and that doesn’t bode well for me. Morgana and Thorne are right; this dude will close the book on this in a red hot minute if it means he gets to go back to taking a nap at his desk.
“Mr. Wolfberg,” the lout yells. “Follow me to interrogation.”
Jackson steps in front of me, giving the cop a blank expression. “I thought this was a non-custodial interview, Detective. Was I misinformed?”
The big guy runs his hand over his whisker and snorts. “It is. But I’d be more comfortable if your client gave his statement on camera. For the record, you see.”
“Ah. I see.” Jackson gives him a dark glare. “However, I’m unconcerned with your comfort. My client will speak with you at your desk, with the two of us present as witnesses, and only when I permit him to. You will not record or video the interview and if a written statement is required, I will prepare it with him and have it delivered to you tomorrow morning.”
Holy shit, this guyisgood.
“Well, I, uh, you see, my Captain…”
Thorne pulls out his cell phone, scrolling through the contacts with a smile. “Which Captain? I have all of their personal numbers and the Council’s. Whom shall I call to approve my terms?”
I look over at Morgana, and she gives me a tiny smile. It appears she knew this guy was a superstar, and that’s why she didn’t stick around for his lecture before we came in.
I don’t think there’s a damn thing wrong with her judgment or her methods—she’s smart as a whip.
My instincts about Jackson Thorne from the trial don’t appear to be incorrect. He’s taken control of the situation in a truly admirable fashion, even to the point of getting that stubborn bear to shut his big yap. I’m grateful for his intervention, because I know Lucas was flirting when Channing walked in. Given the testosterone-filled youth ofour star hockey player, I believe he would have continued to dig his heels in because it might impress me. It definitely wouldnot, but I’ve had centuries to mature while he’s only early twenties. The folly of false bravado is something you grow out of as you age, especially when you’re a supe with an extremely long life-span like me.