Page 91 of Blood on the Ice
I frown as I grab Lucas’s arm and look at him. “Are you trying to tell me he gets off on pissing me off?”
His finger taps my nose as he grins. “Bingo, Lady M. You get the stuffed animal and a free spin of the wheel.”
“How about I just join your delusional yet sexy ass for lunch instead?” He chuckles at my grumpy reply but follows me as I stride toward the shop in irritation.
“You can deny it all you want,” he sing-songs, “but I promise you, the dude is just edging himself. He’ll give in, eventually.”
Shooting him a dirty look, I yank open the door to the beanery and beam at the siren behind the counter. “Afternoon, Slade. What’s the story, morning glory?”
Lucas wasn’t wrong in calling him a pretty boy, and the flush that crawls up his neck is even more enticing. “Hey, guys. What are you doing here in the middle of the day?”
“Nana got Lady M cleared to fly, so we’re having lunch to celebrate. Also, she doesn’t eat if people don’t remind her.”
Slade frowns. “That’s not good for either of her energy sucking sides.”
“Oi,” I say as I slap my palm on the counter. “Sheis right here and has been alive fifty times longer than either of you. I’m aware of my bad habits, boys.”
They both look sheepish, and finally Slade murmurs, “The usual, then?”
I shake my head. “Nope. I promised Lucas adventure, and that’s what we’re doing. Tell me all the weird, special shit you’re doing.”
Even old gargoyles can learn new tricks, after all.
we are family
Contrary to the concerned frown I gave her, I’m really quite pleased Lucas brought Morgana in. Iggy and I spent the past few days in talks with people from my previous home, and I think we’ll be able to slide in without too much turmoil. Finding out Lucas made good on the promise to allow Morgana to travel without restrictions lifts an enormousweight off my chest. If he hadn’t been able to make good, Iggy had lots of not-so-savory ideas on how to fiddle with her tracker that I was certain would lead to problems.
Problems being a euphemism for scary trials for breaking Society edicts, of course.
I look at the woman in front of me, waiting with an expectant expression and grin. “Today’s special drink is a Cold Rose Coffee. It’s arabica coffee with skim milk, rose syrup, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream, lightly garnished with rose petals and pink rock salt. I think you’ll enjoy the light, summery yet indulgent taste.”
Morgana blinks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and it’s hard not to laugh. “Shit. Okay, give us both one, coffee maestro. I didn’t expect such a departure from normal, but… hit me with your weird-ass food special next, I guess.”
The hockey player grins at me. “Please let it be something that stretches her boundaries. I’m loving this.”
“I made Vegan BBQ Pulled Jackfruit sandwiches fresh this morning. I made the BBQ sauce to complement the fresh jackfruit, simmered it, then top it with a veggie slaw with vegan mayo on slider buns. It’s complimentary for the summery coffee, and definitely mimics a pork or chicken BBQ sandwich.” My lips quirk when Morgana gives me a dirty look once she figures out this is totally meat and cheese-less.
“Lucas, you are so dead,” she grumbles. “Fine, give me the fluffy ass, no protein sandwich. But I’d better have an enormous amount ofnon-sexy timemeat for dinner to make up for this. I’ll never be able to survive on Slade’s hippie dippy shit, you know.”
Both Lucas and I snicker as I head to the back to prepare the sandwiches. I’m aware both she and the athlete can’t eat as lightly as my sea-faring body, but seeing her look of horror was definitely worth it. If we’re together as often as I think we will be, we can all work together to make meals that give everyone the nutrients they need. I ponder for a moment, then pull out my phone, making a note to email Professor Shadwell for resources to use. She’d definitely know where I should look to plan for such disparate supes.
“Slade, those things look tiny on the menu! We need like ten of them,” Lucas calls from the front. “Don’t make that face, Lady M. I’m suffering, too.”
I make their load of sliders quickly, forgoing any fancy plating as I head back into the coffee shop. To my surprise, the Prince is now sitting at a bistro table he and the dragon pulled up next to Morgana and Lucas. He smiles, waving as I put the plate on the counter and move to get their coffees fixed.
“Afternoon, Slade. I see you have our family well in hand,” Liam says with a smirk.
“Vegan, Li. Can you imagine? I’m acarnivore; what did I get myself into?” she mutters as she pouts adorably. “The things I do for this stupidly handsome boy, I swear.”
Lucas literally preens as they both look at him and I grin. I’ve never been in a family quite so openly affectionate—mine is more about who’s in favor at the moment—and it makes my heart flutter a little to think I’m part of this one. Even Morgana’s grumpiness is tinged with fondness, and I can feel the warmth in her emotions from here.
“He is quite lovely, you’re right.” The Prince elbows his companion when he snorts, then turns to me. “I will wait until you’re done with their order, Slade. Don’t fret.”
How did he know that? Fuck, this guy is powerful.
I hadn’t even thought that in my head yet, but the Prince knew I was a little stressed over ignoring him to finish Morgana’s drink. “Thanks. I like to make sure everyone’s taken care of and I get a little anxious when I feel I’m not achieving it.”