Page 114 of Eat. Prey. Love.
Felix snorts, shaking his head. “If anyone believes that, I have a bridge in New York for sale at a low, low price.”
My grin is wicked as I wink at him, then go back to my Sun Salutation. Both he and Aubrey groan when I bend down into Downward Dog again, making me grin to myself as I stretch.
“Are you guys wearing Cori’s uniforms for the match tonight?” Felix’s question pulls me from my thoughts, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Changing the subject, I see.
“Only me,” I reply, as I lift one leg in the air. “The rest of the team will suit up in the official gear once the real season kicks offin the fall. Mine is a prototype, so they’re seeing how it holds up with scrimmages in the spring.”
Felix nods, understanding flashing in his gaze. “That means Zhenga’s going to be holed up with that polar bear, obsessing over every last stitch until then, huh?”
“Seems like it.” There’s a hint of concern in my voice as I consider the implications—Zhenga’s attention split between coaching duties and uniform perfectionism could leave us vulnerable in ways I hadn’t anticipated. I wasn’t worried about it before, but since Fitz mentioned how distracted she’s been and now I think about how Cori’s been acting—I hope I didn’t set up a collab that will drive them both insane.
“Hopefully, she doesn’t get too caught up in the minute details,” Felix says. He gives my ass a reassuring pat, and I growl playfully back at him. “Now, I’ve got to go help the gargoyle with the dishes from breakfast or he’s going to come out here like a storm cloud. Be good—all of you.”
“Sir, yes, Sir!” I call mockingly and he chuckles as he walks away.
A frown creases my forehead as I watch Felix’s retreating back from my pose. The uniform I wore in the last match was gorgeous, and the design immaculate. Cori’s pure talent shone with every sparkle and the reviews were raving.
So why are she and Zhenga still slaving away over this? It doesn’t make sense.
“Everything should be done by now,” I murmur to myself, the words barely audible over the rustling leaves around our yoga spot. Cori’s perfectionism is legendary, but there’s a niggling thought that refuses to be swatted away—her drive could be something more, like a mask for nerves frayed and worn by pressure.
Chess clears his throat. “She is on her former home turf, where her family does business. Maybe that’sgiving her pause?”
“That could be it.Maison de Bouvieroperates out of Paris,” I muse, trying to convince myself. But the doubt lingers, stubborn as a weed. “Or maybe it’s something else.”
I shift my weight from one foot to the other, feeling the tightness in my muscles, a physical echo of the tension twisting through my thoughts. Giselle’s name surfaces in my mind like a dark cloud blotting out sunlight, bringing with it the memory of their break-up—a storm that left ripples of unease in its wake.
“I'll talk to her Sunday. It could be this, paired with the pressure of this semester...” I trail off, the pieces slotting together with a click of realization. The anxiety must be clawing at her, a silent beast prowling in the shadows of her confidence.
I know it’s come for me a few times, especially because we started behind the eight ball.
Fitz looks at me, his expression soft. “Baby Girl, don’t you think the badger would have come to you if something was wrong with the bear? You can’t worry about this with the match tonight. If you want, I’ll come with you to talk to Cococabana on Sunday. Sound good?”
“Okay. We’ll talk to her after the match,” I repeat, firming the resolve in my voice. Taking a deep breath, I let the air fill my lungs, expand my chest, and with a slow exhale, I release some of the tension that had gathered there.
For now, I have a match to focus on, a team to lead, and a family to cheer me on.
After all, where there is unity, there is always victory.
The Greatest Show
My heart thrumsin tune with the electric buzz that’s vibrating through the stadium. Seats are filling up fast, a sea of eager faces and jittery anticipation. I can’t help but find it odd—this many preds swarming to what’s essentially a glorified scrimmage? But then, Dolly’s not just any player, and with Zhenga’s marketing genius at play, it’s like we’re at the epicenter of the shifter world’s latest craze.
The college level Pred Games are the Prednet’s biggest craze, accordingto my twin.
“I cannotbelievea college scrimmage in the off-season is packing this place,” I murmur, my eyes scanning the packed stands from our front-row seats. “This is like the blood matches at Bloodstone.”
“Z’s outdone herself,” Fitz agrees, his voice a rumble beside me. The faint scent of his excitement, a tangy spice, mingles with the popcorn and sweat-soaked atmosphere. He loves violence; it makes his ADHD zing with happiness, especially when it’s our girl doing the deed.
Chess leans forward, elbows on knees, grinning as he takes in the sight. “Feels more like a championship than practice. But you’re right, Raj… I’m having mini-flashbacks to the punishment pits at our previous home. Everyone in this place seems hungry for blood and gore. I can’t decide if it’s that good or bad yet.”
“Je n’aime pas ça, mon ami,” Renard says, his tone edged with the steel of his darker instincts. As a gargoyle, he’s always watchful, and this is no exception. “The vibe in this place is bordering on feral, and if something happens, the entire place could go off.”
There’s no fucking way to contain that mess, no matter how many allies we have standing sentinel.
To our left, Cori’s laughter blends with Rufus’s deeper chuckle while the Kavarit triplets exchange knowing glances. I suppose they’ve grown used to the badger and the bear behaving like the college kids they are, much like we have grown used to their antics with Dolly. On our right, Farley and his enormous associate, Skelly, banter quietly with Raina the raccoon. Their hushed tones are barely audible over the crowd’s roar, but I smile when I notice the Captain’s steady gaze sweeping the arena like a lighthouse beam. He’s sitting with us, but also keeping his eyes on the bigger picture so he can communicate with his crew on Fitz’s earpieces.